Thin ends, or plain old thin hair!


New Member
I notice that alot of ladies here complain of thin ends and therefore trim off an inch or two in an effort to thicken it up. But could it not be that some of us just have thinner hair? I have deceptively thin hair, it appears to be very thick b/c it is fluffy and has body to it, but it isn't very thick/dense. My ends look the same as the rest of my hair, and although some of you would say I had thinning ends, they are healthy, fairly even, and devoid of split ends. but couldn't the see-through look of some folk's ends be due to the fact that they just don't have thick,full hair? This was a topic of discussion at one of the D.C. meetings, and I thought I'd ask the rest of you for imput.
I agree in some cases. I have fine textured hair too or 'deceptively' thin. It looks thick and fluffy when I airdry it but it does not look thick if I flat iron it stick straight. Also, when my hair is bobbed at shoulder length it looks a lot thicker then when its grown out from that.
The way I can tell the difference between thin ends is if I part it at various angles and look at how even it is in various sections. Before I really knew what I was doing with my hair, I actually had some breakage, and this would cause the thin ends when I combed it all the way to the back. Now, I have even ends, *but* its not see-through even though its fine textured.

Supergirl had a really good post related to ends awhile back too...
I'll check it out, K!

One way to know if your hair is thick or thin is to pout it in a ponytail and then measure (eyeball it) the circumference of the tail. My ponytails are always small/thin.
I recently trimmed off an inch of hair because my ends were thin. But just my ends! (Due to totally over doing it on products and protein conditioner treatments! I OP'd - Over Proteined!! LOL! My hair is super duper thick and the ends just had to go because I felt they did not match with the overall look of my hair. You go 2 1/2 inches past shoulders and it's great, then the last inch or so was just not matching the thickness of the rest - this is when I MUST get rid of it! Sure I want my hair to grow out long, but not just long, Healthy and with very neat, thick ends that have the same density of the rest of my hair! Now that's healthy!! :-)
I have pretty thin hair but I can tell that my ends are thinner than they should be. I think I am going to have to cut off about an inch to get a more healthy hair appearance.
I knew in my case that it wasn't that I had thin hair b/c my hair had been the same length before with thick ends. Even though I had no splits, I had some hair that was shorter than the longest hair b/c it had broken off and had to be cut previously. I basically had upside down layers. Now, it's all even and I love it.
I naturally have thick hair, so when I see thin parts, I absolutely KNOW there is a problem. My ends were skimpy due to overprocessing and rough handling this summer. 2 inches off, and the problem is fixed. I still would like to get rid of one more inch that is a bit damaged, but the worse part has been chopped off. Even my mother had noticed my hair had thinned out really bad at the ends, but now, she says it looks like my normal hair.

I will get trims after every touch-up, you better believe it.
This is the first and longest time (4 months) that I have gone w/out my usual 6 week trim. My ends look thin now, but I actually like them. I don't want thick ends because it looks to blunt when I wear my hair in big drop curls.
So, you're a 6 week trimmer. Have you noticed this sets you behind in growth? I've been trimming every touch-up since the last 3 touch-ups, but I haven't been retaining because I was caught off-guard with a super-trim last time.