My personal opinion is that as your natural hair gets HEALTHIER, it will be evidenced by the thickness. It you have pets or notice how animals hair grows including horses....when their coats are thin, patchy dry and laying flank and flat, generally this is an indication that their diet is insufficient, that they are ill, or lack exercise and fresh air. I grew up around farm animals as a child. I live in a city but there are animals (dogs and cats)-pets of the neighbours everywhere. I notice the same about their animals. Anyway, Daddy would say " look at that coat...must be the mange..looking its feed...looking mighty poorly..." and when it started to recover or its diet was changed by adding "mash" fruits, salt, etc. and its coat was rubbed down with oil concotions etc...and tended to...that same animal would show these changes:> Over a period of a few weeks, the bare spots on the coat would start to fill in...the dry patches would look clear and healthy..the coat would start to thicken and the hair would stand out away from the skin and it would look like the hair was growing out of goosebumps. It would get significantly thicker before it got longer. Now my hair is always getting thicker and thicker quicker than it is getting longer. And even though it hangs down, it does not lay flat against my scalp. It stands out at the root. so it is healthy, the length is starting to show but what makes me really happy is that it is nice and thick. Cause I want to have healthy thick thick long hair. When my hair starts to grow longer, it starts to look a little less thick, and the after the growth spurt, it bushes again. Hope this helps.