Thick Hair Concoction


New Member
I have pretty thick hair already, but I have relaxed hair and I want it even thicker :grin:

So, in addition to the MT I've been using as a growht aid, I want to make a thickness concoction. I've already added:

Castor Oil (the kind from Walmart, not the Jamaican kind)

1. What else should I add?

2. How should I use this mixture? After I co- wash to seal when I wet bun, and seal on dry hair at night?

3. Will I even see benefits from plain ol' castor oil from Walmart (it's clear), or do I need to purchase the Black Jamaican kind?

TIA! :drunk:
so far u got crickets huh? lol

girl I know I cant think of nothin

but yeah its been said that the JBCO is way better, but I dunno cause I never tried the other
thanks! would this be something I would be able to use as a leave - in?

No. I haven't used it yet (planning to in the next couple weeks) but from what I've learned it's a powder that you mix water. Some women add other stuff. When it's all mixed up it kind of looks like a mud pack for your hair.

It makes the hair strong and thick. I plan on getting my cassia from here:

You can read through the site and get an idea of what henna is. I would also suggest searching through LHCF to see how others are using henna and the results they are getting.
Clear Castor Oil works just fine.

I used it on a lark on my already thick, thick hair (in strand and density) and it made it THICKER! I had to stop using it!

I've used it on my mother who has fine, fine, fine hair (strand AND density) and it did thicken her up a bit. She used it inconsistently though.

That sounds like a good mix with the MT.

Simple mixes tend to work the best. Best wishes! HTH!
Not sure what where you stand on protein, but I think I recall you are a fan. Protein treatments also coat the cuticle. I love the way my 4bz hair feels and looks after a dose!