They probably thought I was a crackhead


New Member
so I ask my boss who is from Sri Lanka and Pakistani descent about some Indian markets close to work but he knew of one that was near where he lives which is halfway between my house and work ( I work 90 miles fro home)

so I go to the store which just happens to be next to my favorite Amish market ( in Burtonsville, MD if anyone cares) ... Mind you my clothes dont match and I got on a pair of sweat pants barely fit to paint your house in ( I wore em to work last night cuz I was in the office alone and planned to go straight home)

I pull up and there are van loads of Mexicans getting ready to go to work ( there is a Mexican construction company next door in this strip mall)... I et out of my car & go up to the Indian store window ( cuz for some reason no matter which store Ive been to, they all seem to be a dimly lit and ya cant tell if its open or not)... it like 8:30 am and the sign says they dont open til 11... As I start to walk away I spot Shikakai powder on the shelf... they had a lot of oils and Henna but I already have those.. that Shikakai caught my eye.... ok fine, I will have to work out a way to get to this store another time..... dont know when since I work fro Midnight to 8 and the store hours are 11- 8pm and its 50 miles from my house and 20 from my job

so I drive towards home & Target ( about 20 miles away) for a quick purchase and remember there is another Indian grocer across the street... I used to go there for Halal food when I first moved to this state.... I feel the adrenaline boiling inside me as I pull up to the store.... there is a Korean BSS next door and the traffic in & out was flowing steady... I walk up to the Indian store ( which I actually think is Pakistani but I digress) and again, cant tell if its open or not...there are lights on but the door is locked and I dont see anyone...but I DO see a HUGE shelf of Henna and I spot the Amla oil and I see other stuff that I dont know what it was but it was apparently hair stuff... but the STORE isnt open.. and I stare at the window in disbelief

People are walking in & out of the Korean BSS looking at me like Im nuts.... its still barely 9 oclock and the sign says it doesnt open til 11 too... Mind you Im STILL 30 miles from home, looking a mess and already have eaten a bagel so not hungry..

Just know that within 24 hours I am driving back to the 2nd store since I have to go closer to there this afternoon for choir rehearsal and tomorrow for church... I will have cleaned myself up nicely by then and maybe o one will remember the nutcase from this morning who was staring in the window :wallbash::wallbash:

There is another Indian store a few blocks from my house... but Im annoyed cuz they are WELL stocked with Ayurvedic oils & henna but no powders... she has been promising me for over a month to order some but I have less patience that a jumping bean :blush:

I wont be satisfied til I have some Amla Powder and Shikakai powder and Brahmi powder and Neem in my grimy lil hands :grin::grin: