They demand that I go back to bad habits


Ms. Nobody
they want me to "go natural"which means i must wash my hair with head n shoulders 2 in one and "leave it alone". no conditioner,moisturizer and ESPECIALLY NO GEL.:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:I also clogged the tub drain and am in deep doo doo."We have a "rule" that hair cannot be washed in the tub.(I still do it because i think its a stupid rule:look:) my mom thinks she has to call a plumber of buy an expensive tool. she wont listen to the Zip it and hair catcher idea and mocks me saying i am trying to be Bob the builder:perplexed:wallbash:
And they hate hair products that have smells which makes me :wallbash: because i love scented hair.

I am seriously considering going bald because this hair buisness is causing me so much stress.:nono:
Wait what now? I'm confused... Why don't they want you to put stuff in your hair? If they're tired of clogging the tub why don't you get one of those metal drain hair catcher things?
they want me to "go natural"which means i must wash my hair with head n shoulders 2 in one and "leave it alone". no conditioner,moisturizer and ESPECIALLY NO GEL.:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:I also clogged the tub drain and am in deep doo doo."We have a "rule" that hair cannot be washed in the tub.(I still do it because i think its a stupid rule:look:) my mom thinks she has to call a plumber of buy an expensive tool. she wont listen to the Zip it and hair catcher idea and mocks me saying i am trying to be Bob the builder:perplexed:wallbash:
And they hate hair products that have smells which makes me :wallbash: because i love scented hair.

I am seriously considering going bald because this hair buisness is causing me so much stress.:nono:
Who are they? Your parents I presume? If they loathe haircare so much, do they have hair? Not trying to be snarky...the whole thing just sounds odd.

Where would they prefer you wash your hair? Even if you washed it in the sink, the drain could still clog and they'd still complain.

Why Head and Shoulders? Natural hair care does not mean just wash it and leave it alone. It still requires maintenance.
thye dont like the way hair products smell. too perfumey. its a but more complex than that but its too long to put in one post. i'm sorry if i dont make sense.I'm really angry right now.
thye dont like the way hair products smell. too perfumey. its a but more complex than that but its too long to put in one post. i'm sorry if i dont make sense.I'm really angry right now.
Do they have allergies? A lot of people can't handle the smell of perfume or perfume related scents.
Awww my parents were sceptible (lord how do you spell this word right now lol) about my haircare routine until they saw the progress I was making! It'll get better. Just buy a drain stopper or if you wash your hair in the sink just be careful, I still wash my hair in the sink from time to time
Buy a hair catcher. Sometimes that Draino/Liquid Plumber stuff doesn't work. Nobody wants to take a shower with water stopped up to your calves, and plumbers are to expensive for something that's easily avoidable.
I'm confused too :perplexed

Anyhoo- get a zip it for a couple of bucks at Walmart and use it.
Just go buy it yourself, they don't even have to know about it.
What does your mom have against hair catchers? I would buy one and only take it in the bathroom when I wash my hair. Can you style your hair in your room so they don't smell it? Or try unscented stuff? These are some odd rules...
-No they do not have allergies.
-They are my family.
-im sorry this post doesn't make much sense. it was longer but i decided to try to cut it down to make it easier. apparently that didn't work
-i proposed the hair catcher and she doesn't believe it will work. plus i would have to fiddle w/ the drain (it has some kind of strainer on it already and she dosent want me making the problem worse.)
Buy a hair catcher. Sometimes that Draino/Liquid Plumber stuff doesn't work. Nobody wants to take a shower with water stopped up to your calves, and plumbers are to expensive for something that's easily avoidable.
I agree with this post. When she sees that the hair catcher does work, she should around. Some people don't believe anything until they see it.
I dunno but whateva you do respect her rules. She is your mom. Going around making my own rules, pretending I was "the boss that pay the cost" in my house caused me nothing but heart and butt ache. I would use a shampoo that has a low scent or just make sure you rinse all of the shampoo out (which is detrimental anyway if you leave it in) Just take care of your hair but be discreet about it, you dun have to tell her everythang but take responsibility for what you do.
If you stopped up the tub, buy some draino and a hair stopper and call it a friggin day. Be like Nike, just do it. She prolly jsut doesn't want you spending excessive amounts of money and time on this hair thing. No obsessions are good, and she prolly doesn't want you to be let down. Just do wha she says but still practice healthy haircare and be wise about your decisions. You'll be okie ((HUGS))
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I dunno but whateva you do respect her rules. She is your mom. Going around making my own rules, pretending I was "the boss that pay the cost" in my house caused me nothing but heart and butt ache. I would use a shampoo that has a low scent or just make sure you rinse all of the shampoo out (which is detrimental anyway if you leave it in) Just take care of your hair but be discreet about it, you dun have to tell her everythang but take responsibility for what you do.
If you stopped up the tub, buy some draino and a hair stopper and call it a friggin day. Be like Nike, just do it. She prolly jsut doesn't want you spending excessive amounts of money and time on this hair thing. No obsessions are good, and she prolly doesn't want you to be let down. Just do wha she says but still practice healthy haircare and be wise about your decisions. You'll be okie ((HUGS))

Very well said!
This is why I live alone. But I understand where your mom is coming from because I block up my own shower drain on a regular. Since I started doing my own hair, Draino every 3 months is a must.
I think you need to have a discussion with your family and come to some middle ground and compromise. This is your hair, your body and they can't tell you what you can and cannot put on it. There are solutions, you just need to work something out.

How are they smelling your hair products anyway? When you leave then in the bathroom? And why head and shoulders? That stuff has a strong smell too.
i think it is more than just some hair clogging and scents. it sounds like you mother is starting to get annoyed by you. she is starting to pick at all of the little things you do. i went through that problem with my mother from 19 years old until the time i moved out. i'm glad i don't have to share any space with my mother anymore and we are best friends. girl just buy a hair catcher and keep your products in your room or in a caddy. my mother didn't want me leaving my stuff anywhere in the house. she wanted my room clean all of the time. i couldn't park in the driveway. i had to take my clothes promptly out of the dryer. i couldn't fall asleep in the family room, etc.....
Maybe you can try to compromise. I wouldn't just go against their wishes right off the bat as it their house. But there are unscented products or more natural products that don't have a strong smell. Maybe you can ask if you can still keep up your hair practices if you promise to use products that have little to no smell. You can resume when you are on your own.

For the drain, where does everyone else wash their hair? Are you washing everyday? Maybe you can cut it back to once a week. In the house I grew up in, we were not allowed to wash our hair in the shower, it was the sink or nothing.
:nono: Don't discuss any of your hair care routine anymore. Like a previous poster has said--they may feel you're being obsessive. I also agree with Shortdub's perspective too. Stay respectful and just be more conscious of your actions. Invest in the tools you need and keep it movin'.

Family... :rolleyes:
i think it is more than just some hair clogging and scents. it sounds like you mother is starting to get annoyed by you. she is starting to pick at all of the little things you do. i went through that problem with my mother from 19 years old until the time i moved out. i'm glad i don't have to share any space with my mother anymore and we are best friends. girl just buy a hair catcher and keep your products in your room or in a caddy. my mother didn't want me leaving my stuff anywhere in the house. she wanted my room clean all of the time. i couldn't park in the driveway. i had to take my clothes promptly out of the dryer. i couldn't fall asleep in the family room, etc.....

EXACTLY what i was thinking... and went thru... :lol:

best of luck to ya Napp... i hope something works out for you
Yes, I had the complaint that I was blocking up the shower. I bought one of those drain catcher things - looks like a little 'strainer' and I take it in with me, every time I wash my hair. As for my products, The majority of them I keep with me. Find conditioners and shampoos that have little scent. You can use your scents in your moisturisers and oils if you want (products that you keep in your room).

Just try to find ways around what is actually upsetting them. I'm sure they'll be happier, when there is no problem.
I don't think anyone with textured hair should consider their haircare routine complete with just a 2 n 1, especially head n shoulders. I think you should either buy the shower filter thing yourself, or respect her rules and wash your head ONLY in the sink. And 2ndly I think it's a little overbearing to try to control how someone cares for their hair and exactly which products to use/how often to wash. I think as long as you are cleaning up after yourself and not causing drainage problems, i think they wouldn't care so much. You should keep your "hair regimen" to yourself, do your hair at night when no one is around to bother you. Also you should consider using food-grade oils as your moisturizer/daily care. (Any of the oils you find in the grocery store, next to the Crisco ie. coconut oil, safflower oil, olive oil). I use the coconut oil and safflower oils and they are AMAZING. They are true oils and they do not have any scent to them.
If shampoo is rinsed out well, then it shouldn't smell in the hair. Cream of Nature doesn't have that strong of a scent.
Can you please expand on what exactly the problem is? I can see you angry, but I do not understand what the problem is.
i think it is more than just some hair clogging and scents. it sounds like you mother is starting to get annoyed by you. she is starting to pick at all of the little things you do. i went through that problem with my mother from 19 years old until the time i moved out. i'm glad i don't have to share any space with my mother anymore and we are best friends. girl just buy a hair catcher and keep your products in your room or in a caddy. my mother didn't want me leaving my stuff anywhere in the house. she wanted my room clean all of the time. i couldn't park in the driveway. i had to take my clothes promptly out of the dryer. i couldn't fall asleep in the family room, etc.....

This is what I was going to say. It sounds like your mom may even be jealous of the fact you know how to properly take care of you hair and get good results. If I were you, I would try to get your own ASAP. Sounds like it may get worst before better.
Hair catchers, a comb or brush that holds on to sheds and a bimonthly draino snake deal that works for clogs and slow drains will help you. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
I am a heavy shedder with 15 inch strands, I can clog a shower drain in no time. This is what I do.
When I was living at home, my parents enforced the "No washing hair in shower/tub" because I kept clogging up the drain. I used to have to "sneak" and do it and hope they didn't catch me and sneak and buy drano when I noticed the slow drain before I heard their mouth. I was also at the peak of my PJ syndrome when I was at home, so I was cluttering up the bathroom and other spaces with all the products I was purchasing and it annoyed the mess out of them.

So I kinda feel your situtation, lol. Like the other ladies said, try the hair catcher and try to keep your products in your own space.
I went through the same things with my mom (well almost the same thing). She wanted me to keep getting my hair pressed by this old woman who never used heat protectant and fried my hair up with hair grease. When I decided to not get my hair pressed anymore she complained and complained saying that I was washing my hair too much and that I wasn't a professional. Now she asks me all kind of questions about hair products and what to do to help her thin hair obtain more thickness. She's in awe everytime she sees how long and healthy my hair is. Well I'm not going to tell you to just keep doing what you do, but if the end justifies the means sometimes you have to break a few rules...
Awww my parents were sceptible (lord how do you spell this word right now lol) about my haircare routine until they saw the progress I was making! It'll get better. Just buy a drain stopper or if you wash your hair in the sink just be careful, I still wash my hair in the sink from time to time

I went through the same things with my mom (well almost the same thing). She wanted me to keep getting my hair pressed by this old woman who never used heat protectant and fried my hair up with hair grease. When I decided to not get my hair pressed anymore she complained and complained saying that I was washing my hair too much and that I wasn't a professional. Now she asks me all kind of questions about hair products and what to do to help her thin hair obtain more thickness. She's in awe everytime she sees how long and healthy my hair is. Well I'm not going to tell you to just keep doing what you do, but if the end justifies the means sometimes you have to break a few rules...

I agree with libra here!! I don't want you to get in trouble, as you are still living at home, and they are paying your bills. At the same time, I would not sacrafice my grooming practices for their sake. THE ARE GROOMING PRACTICES, they should be glad you aren't doing "bad things" with "boys", "drugs", insert worrisome teenage beahvior here.

Anyhow.....As far as the shower drain thing, I never knew that "hair catchers" existed (my mother is a die hard in the sink washer!!), and even since marrying and washing my own hair in the shower, the sink is rarely clogged with my hair.....that must mean that my hair is really thin, or at least not as thick as your beautiful hair.

That, and the drano sounds like it will work. If you can unstop the drain before they notice, they will likely start being a lot less annoyed at your habits that the deem "peculiar". Even though I don't live at home anymore, conversations about hair topics with my mother are EXTREMELY frustrating.

They think you are obsessed, and they don't understand the time, research, and commitment that you have to your hair :)