New Member
So I'm back in school, and back at my own place
and I just recently found out that there was a natural hair group or RSO (Registered Student Organization) as my school calls it. I'm SO excited! I've attended two meetings already and I joined. We have T-shirts and totes with are logo and group name on it! They just became an organization at the end of last school semester and there are already 20+ members! We also already have another chapter at another school and a contemplating opening a chapter in Chicago. Some people may think that we are just a bunch of girls getting together doing our hair, but it really is so much more than that. We are trying to bring authors of books about the struggles African descendant women go through with there hair to the school in order to speak. Also we are trying to set up sessions on different subjects so people can come out and learn about what it means to be natural and also difficulties black women as a whole may have had with the stigma of "bad hair" and so forth. We are also thinking of hosting a natural hair show sometime in the future. Sorry that I'm babbling but I really am excited. Now I feel like I have LHCF as well as a support group outside of here as well. We are also all going over to the presidents house tonight to watch a girl go through with her BC (I promise she wasn't forced to do it. lol.). I just had to share this with everybody on here. I would share the name of the organization but I would like to ask first if its ok to post, but if she says alright then I will post it up later. Thanks everybody for letting me babble.