There are some people that God doesn't care about.


New Member
Sorry if I offended any of you lovely ladies on the board but I think this is true in my case at least. See I am 21 years old and for more than 3 years not a day has gone by that was not filled with tears and depression. I feel, actually I know in my heart of hearts that God does not give a damn about me. I have tried to be a good person all my life, I have prayed and prayed and active sought out other ways to cure my depression but to no avail. They say that God helps those who help themselves and I have not been dragging my feet at all but He has never been anywhere to be found. I do not know what I have done to deserve this. I have nobody to turn to. All I see around me is what looks like God blessing those who already have a lot but I have hardly anything, all I want is a little peace in my soul and God does not care. To be honest I do not know why I started this thread I just wanted to vent I guess.
I'm glad you choose to come here and vent. Venting is good, but I don't think God has forgotten you.

I'll be keeping you in my prayers darling.:) :) :)
I felt how you felt for years, I know what you're going through. If God did not care for you, He would not keep your heart beating, your lungs fuctioning, you would not even have the ability to type your message. I can't pretent to know your exact situation, but for me, I found the problem was not God, it was me. I was too busy trying to "earn" His love, too busy doing it myself, I never truly surrendered ALL to Him. I know it hard. Read this book: It will open your eyes to how very much God loves you. Ask Him to forgive your sins, forgive you for doubting, and follow Him. It won't be "easy" but it's worth it. God didn't promise us an easy life. He didn't promise us things would go right. But He did promise to pay our fine for our sins if we accept the payment. Check out that book and the link in my siggy that says "Are You Ready." God Bless.

Love comes from God above and while on earth from others but you must love yourself in order receive love. We all have been there and do that but God still got us here. God loves, you so, so much I can actually hear Him crying over this please know that He is the one true person who loves you but you have to recieve Gods love as a gift and priviledge. Loving who you are and where you are in life is the begining of experiencing God's love. Life brings the good, the bad and the ugly and learning to role with punches although hard is the key. Happening brings happiness and joy comes from Jesus.
Please don't feel this way. I think that what you need to do in this situation is...speak positive reinforcements. The bible states that whatsoever a man thinks, that's what he is. So if you think God doesn't love you, then that's what you'll unfavorable outcome.

So start reaffirming positive messages to yourself everday. I know it will seem weird and hard to believe at first. You can write a list and say them everyday or every time you're feeling discouraged. Pretty soon, it will become second nature to you and you will feel revived.

You can say things like...

I am the head and not the tail.
God loves me.
I am beautiful.
I was created in God's image and His likeness.
I can have whatsoever God says I can.

Things like that.

And, get into a good bible believing church. Find a prayer partner that won't judge you but will sincerely bombard heaven on your behalf.

Make sure you come back and give us your testimony!!!
Bunny77 said:
Hi! :)

Do you mind sharing what treatments you've sought to help ease your depression?

Yes dear, I have tried counselling, prayer, numerous churches, antidepressants, exercise and yoga and meditation, vitamins and natural herbs and um voodoo:ohwell:. What can I say? My family is Nigerian and a sister is desperate!:sekret:
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I want to thank you all for your kind words and advice. I promise to take all of them under consideration. To be honest I do not know what to believe anymore, I still feel deep down somewhere that everything I had been taught was a lie as I have tried the bible thing but nothing came to fruition, and if I have to read one more psalm...well you know lol:lachen: . Thanks again for you help. You are good people.
I think you should do some research on spiritual warfare. That may be the ticket to relieving some of the oppressed feelings you are having....
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Pam Pam said:
I think you should do some research on spiritual warfare. That may be the ticket to releaving some of the oppressed feelings you are having....

Exactly what she said. This is what I think you're going thru.

But to be honest, have you ever read any of the threads I've posted? I know what you feel. I was in a mental rut for YEARS! I mean I gained weight, pushed away ALL of my friends, did nothing with my life, and mourned over my life because I did nothing with. lol. crazy huh? I just couldn't figure out how to be happy for anything. I prayed, wrote in a journal, took long walks, even tried some Welbutrin for a day but it felt like it was morphing my brain so I stopped. Even my bible wasn't comforting to me. I questioned God, WHY ME? I cursed God! (Then quickly asked for forgiveness just in case he was thinking of throwing down a lightening bolt to zap my crazy a@#.) Then one day it just happened and I decided I was just gonna make myself happy. I tried to dwell on all the things that I DID have instead of what I didn't. I found my own good points. I thanked God for the good and bad things in my past. Some of the bad things really did make me stronger, I know it sounds so cliche. Sometimes I think God puts us in a certain state to humble us. Like "Hey, you gon learn, you gon learn that I am God, not you!" Because at the time I had never really surrendered to him. Not all of me. I learned to pray for things once and trust that God would make it happen. There was a point when I figured that there could never be a light at the end of my tunnel and I felt that I had nothing to live for. WOW! But I tried to keep my faith! It was hard though because the devil was riding me. He still is. But that's what happens when you become a believer. He no longer has you so he starts messin with you. Girl I could write forever.But it's late. I will def. keep you in my prayers. My heart goes out to you.l You're my sister in Christ. I love you. I know God will bring you thru this if you just trust and believe.
He may not come when you want him but he'll still be there on time. I know it's corny but it's true!
Make sure that your heart is open to ALLOW the blessings to come in. Are you ready for your blessing?

I feel Shimmie coming with her words of wisdom. Hopefully.:look:
Keep ya head up, sis!
girlwithguitar said:
Sorry if I offended any of you lovely ladies on the board but I think this is true in my case at least. See I am 21 years old and for more than 3 years not a day has gone by that was not filled with tears and depression. I feel, actually I know in my heart of hearts that God does not give a damn about me. I have tried to be a good person all my life, I have prayed and prayed and active sought out other ways to cure my depression but to no avail. They say that God helps those who help themselves and I have not been dragging my feet at all but He has never been anywhere to be found. I do not know what I have done to deserve this. I have nobody to turn to. All I see around me is what looks like God blessing those who already have a lot but I have hardly anything, all I want is a little peace in my soul and God does not care. To be honest I do not know why I started this thread I just wanted to vent I guess.

I know what it feels like to feel frustrated. I am currently there. However, I know that even though I am in one of my lowest points, God still loves me. Even if no one else does (even though I know that's not true either, :lol: ).

When everything falls apart, we often feel like God doesn't love us, and we think that He doesn't care. But He ALWAYS cares. Did you ever wonder if maybe you are going through this difficult time right now, b/c God is preparing a much bigger blessing that you couldn't handle/appreciate if you didn't have this dark hour in your life?

I have been really going through a rough patch, but I refuse to ask God "why me?" Even though my life isn't as easy/good as it's been in the past, I have so much to be thankful for. There are so many homeless people. There are so many people who are born with down syndrome, or other mental issues that they never get to live a fully, functioning life. I have my life, my health, and my family. I don't have nearly everything I want or need, but I know that soon God will provide. And you just have to believe this too.

Also, as someone mentioned earlier, spiritual warfare is VERY REAL. Satan doesn't waste his time on people that God is not trying to do very big things in, b/c it wouldn't be worth it. Satan only tries to destroy those who are worth destroying. And always remember that satan knows the power and beauty and blessings God can give, b/c he used to be God's cherub angel (the highest angel). So, satan knows, and since he knows we aren't as sure, he uses doubt, depression, self-hatred, comparison and other tactics to get us to waste time that we should be doing God's will and work so that we end up doing nothing and just being miserable souls. No thank you, I won't take that. Satan will have to kill me before I give up on God!
I'm sorry you feel this way but God is a loving God. He cares about you. He will answer you in His time. Stay on your knees, it's the best place to be. Trust me, I've been in your position, but the Lord has always come through. Continue to hold on to his unchanging hand.
kbragg said:
I felt how you felt for years, I know what you're going through. If God did not care for you, He would not keep your heart beating, your lungs fuctioning, you would not even have the ability to type your message. I can't pretent to know your exact situation, but for me, I found the problem was not God, it was me. I was too busy trying to "earn" His love, too busy doing it myself, I never truly surrendered ALL to Him. I know it hard. Read this book: It will open your eyes to how very much God loves you. Ask Him to forgive your sins, forgive you for doubting, and follow Him. It won't be "easy" but it's worth it. God didn't promise us an easy life. He didn't promise us things would go right. But He did promise to pay our fine for our sins if we accept the payment. Check out that book and the link in my siggy that says "Are You Ready." God Bless.

I hope the OP gets some help from other sources and finds more strength.

Now your post is the truth. Just because we don't get exactly what we ask for from God within your timeframe doesn't mean he doesn't love or bless us. The question to ask is do you love God just because of who he is or because your looking for blessings?
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People keep mentionning spiritual warfare and hmmm what is it exactly? Any resources (books, links etc...) where one can learn more about it?
This the way I view spiritual warfare.

From teachings and studies, spiritual warfare is the war that happens between God and the devil for your soul. It could be for one incident that would only affect you for a little while, or something more permanent lasting, including death.

When I think of spiritual warfare, these scriptures comes to mind.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (King James Version)

3For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Jude 1:8-10 (King James Version)

8Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

9Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee. 10But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.

Job 1:7-9 (King James Version)

7And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

8And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? 9Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?

I'm going to do a search on it and see if someone has a clearer explanation.

I hope this helps!!!

'Spiritual warfare' is the struggle to have life in this material world reflect as much as possible God's loving governance. It is a 'war' because there are forces working vigorously to thwart God's work. God is in charge, but there is an enemy that is in full-scale revolt, and it has powerful influence all around. As with the unseen God, the forces behind the revolt are unseen, non-physical, and supernatural. They lust after power in the world of visible, material beings. Just because the battle is unseen doesn't mean it isn't going on. It is. In every nook and cranny of our earthly existence. In deciding to follow Christ, the believer accepts the rulership of Christ in his/her life (that's what's meant when Jesus is called 'Lord' -- His authority and rule). This New You yields the throne of the self to Jesus, but the Old You doesn't like it one bit.
The struggle against the Devil and all his empty promises is at its heart a 'second Person' matter, a work of Christ Himself. The Holy Spirit leads us in our part of the struggle.
The Scriptures speak of spiritual warfare in several places, but most directly by Paul in Ephesians 6, where he speaks of the full armor of God. Most pointed is verse 12 : "For we struggle not against flesh and blood, but against the kingdoms, against the powers, against the world leaders of this darkness, against spiritual wickedness in the high places".
The Devil has already lost. But the Devil is trying to take as many with him as he can, apparently just to hurt God. And however much the Devil succeeds in doing this, God hurts -- like a parent does over losing a child. This sort of spite is very much in keeping with the Devil's character. Satan is a leech; he is so lacking in life that the only life he has left is what he can suck out of the living.
girlwithguitar said:
I want to thank you all for your kind words and advice. I promise to take all of them under consideration. To be honest I do not know what to believe anymore, I still feel deep down somewhere that everything I had been taught was a lie as I have tried the bible thing but nothing came to fruition, and if I have to read one more psalm...well you know lol:lachen: . Thanks again for you help. You are good people.
Forgot to say that we love you that's why we have blown up this thread because God spoke to our hearts and say reach out to my child. We have God in us and God is loving you right now through us but I know if you look real hard you will see alot of other places God loves you also. Love you some more and be blessed.