Therapy for my hair...Dear hair...


New Member
I am having a moment and need therapy for my hair. So this thread is to let my hair know how I feel and vent a little frustration. Here goes.

Dear Hair,
I need therapy for the things you have been putting me through over the past week. I spend so much time rolling you at night and in the morning after taking out the rollers you laugh at me and ask "what have you done for me lately" then you grin as if to say resistance is futile. You act up all the time and you just dont want to cooperate:sad:. You have caused me to look like a H.A.M in public and I would like u to not do that, because you will make me mad and I will have to cut u or return to the creamy crack. But because I love you and my head is too big to be bald, I will agree to a truce. So from here on out I promise not to mistreat you with heat, I will nourish you from the inside out. I will drink my water and take my vitamins everyday like I should, give you all the food (protein) that you need and not mangle you with combs. I will let you be. All I ask is that you rest atop my head and behave, I would like you to shine and grow like never before. Please understand we are in this together and no one will love u like I do as we continue to grow together.

From your humble caretaker,

Would you like therapy...please go right ahead there is a lot of room in cyberspace to vent...
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