The wrap is my enemy?


Well-Known Member
Okay...Is it me or does everyone experience some type of breakeage when wrapping the hair. I'm trying to be good and wrap my hair every night. Each time I see breakeage from 3 inches to 1 and it annoys me! It's not enough for me to bald but If It continues it will thin the hair. How do you wrap without breaking strands in the hair? I saw the video with the past member wrapping her long long hair and she seems to do it with ease. My hair isn't close to her length and I wrap and strands pop off! Hugh!!
My hair isn't long but when it was a little longer(see fotki) I wrapped my hair every night. I made sure to switch wrapping directions every night and that helped me to retain length on the sides of my hair and hairline. Back in the day I used to wrap one way and my hair broke off sooo bad on the left side. Now I just part my hair down the middle or sides and comb back. I changes parts every night. HTH
I love wrapping. I don't have a problem with it. I just make sure to moisture and detangle it before I start.
sometimes when I wrap, and i do wrap after a rollerset, first of all I moisturize really well as was stated. AFTER MOISTURISING, I use my fingers to guide my hair into the wrap. I have hair grazing my brastrap so it would take a lot of brushing if I were using the brush to guide it into the wrap and excessive brushing is a no-no. Anyway, after I guide my hair into a wrap with my fingers, then I use the brush to smooth down any bumps. I then tie my hair down, one with a scarf over the wrap that is silk to hold it firm, and another to cover my hair.

I hope this helps you. I think wrapping is good, and if done correctly and varying sides can be less stress on the hair than rolling the hair every night but other opinions may vary.
just add a little moisture, or oil to it. i used to be the wrapping queen. when my hair was dry, that was when i was having problems. also what kinda comb are you using?