The World of Hair-------interesting read!!!

Thanks for posting this. It was definitely interesting. I wish they had've expanded more on the single strand knot thing though. They showed pictures of 'em but didn't talk about them or explain the hows, whys, and ways to prevent or get rid of 'em.
Thanx so much for this Whipz!!! I've only read the introduction and I'm already intrigued:

"Hair is an amazing material. In the hands of an expert and with the use of modern hair products, it is soft and shining and seems full of life. Strangely, however, hair is dead." :)
I've never read the whole site but it's one of the first sites I bookmarked when I discovered that the Web is full of hair sites. I use it for reference. I love that you can actually look up an index to zoom in on just the info you need at that particular time.
I haven't read the whole thing but it is very narrow in it's consideration of and explanation of "African" hair. It seems as though African hair is only 4b hair, I saw a little girl who seemed to have 4a type hair and she is described as having hair that shows inherited Caucasoid traits. I was like :ohwell::perplexed Most pictures so far of African hairstyles is of women in braids...