The wedding was amazing!!! Bride and Groom Happy happy!!1


New Member
HI Guys,

I'm a wedding planner and after a year of planning, i had my first Nigerian Wedding, they have a total different way of doing things, but it went really well...

Her colour scheme was blue and white and green and it was held in a beautiful venue in Dulwich, her dress was an amazing fishtail dress with loads of handcrafted embroidery and rhinestones. Her scheme was butterflies and there were butterflies on her cake and on each glass, and butterflies drapped from the ceiling. They came in the reception dancing to no one like you, (anyone who is african knows this song). Her father passed away a week before she got married which was a total nightmare, but we managed to cheer her up and as requested played the luther vandross song (dance with my father) for her and evryone joined in on the dancefloor.

It was amazing and i will have pictures to follow. Anyone getting married in london or the surrounding areas and looking for a wedding planner or event designer.... give me a call 07932 056 903 True Ambience, "where your dreams manifest" Please pm for testimonials if interested. I love what i do!!!

I would love to see those pictures...sounds gorgeous!!! That's so sad to hear about her father's passing right before the wedding.. I'm glad she was able to enjoy her wedding despite it all....
i don't think you can use these forums to advertise your business. i think there is a way to do it. go to the Q & A forum and ask the mods.

i'm glad the wedding went well. hurry up with the pictures.