The war for your soul

HWAY... The enemy is working ... he's working very hard to distract everyone away from this thread, because of this film.

I cannot thank you enough for sharing this. I also apologize for 'missing' this post from it's origin.

I will have to 'comment' later. I'm so stirred right now, that I cannot comment; :nono: ... that's the impact of this message. A message that 'we've' all heard before in different or similar formats, yet " the change " has not taken place.

Blessings to you, precious sister. :kiss:
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A friend sent me this a while ago. I watched, but please Shimmie and HWAY, please share how it has impacted you.
A friend sent me this a while ago. I watched, but please Shimmie and HWAY, please share how it has impacted you.

Nicola, thank you for responding. :grouphug:

The message isn't 'new' in the sense that I for one have not only heard it in other formats, but I've also ministered and addressed the key points of it, even in this forum in past threads.

The impact of it has me without words right now. The 'truth' of this is just that evident in our Black communities. Where is our progress? Why are 'we' still under this? While I have 'some' answers... what solutions are most productive?

I'm just too lost for words right now.
I cried as I watched this. As a nurse who cares for people who have been marginalized, I ask myself, " What can I do to assist those in my care?"

Shimmie, your questions stirred my spirit. After over 40 years, where is our progress? As a people, we've moved away from God, so these are the consequences.

There truly is a war for our souls and especially those of our children. We don't face the tribulations of our forefathers, so our children take freedom for granted. Too many church goers fail to read and study the bible. Too many children live in households of domestic violence, depression, poverty and mental illness. Living under negative circumstances make people feel as if the church and society have forgotten about them. Satan loves depression and apathy.
Very powerful video. Our ancestors fought hard for our freedom's and it is up to us to keep these freedom's going. I showed this video to my son and nephew.
That video is so powerful. I think it sums up things very well. The enemy is hard at work and we are under spiritual attack. Honestly, this has impacted me very strongly and I realize that I need to pray against these things in our society on a constant and continual basis. I believe that there is power in prayer and I like to think that our prayers help our Angelic Army fight the enemy.
It saddens me to see how so many can be so deceived.. And how behaviors that are detrimental are being normalized and trivialized. What a blessing to know there is power in prayer and forgiveness for those who seek it.
Sadly, I don't believe my Generation (X) has passed the fear of God on to Generation Y...this is generally speaking and not an assignment of blame. We can only fight this war the best way we know how: On our knees in prayer and fasting. That's where the power lies to change things.
It saddens me to see how so many can be so deceived.. And how behaviors that are detrimental are being normalized and trivialized. What a blessing to know there is power in prayer and forgiveness for those who seek it.

Donna, it saddens me as well. :yep:

There's something else that breaks my heart... those who chose to not believe in God and give themselves credit for what they have accomplished in life.

The odd thing is that these same 'unbelievers' do not 'fault' themselves for the errors or mishaps they make in their lives... What's that all about? :nono:

Nothing 'good' comes from anyone; without God no human would be sucessful. Every good thing comes from 'the Father of Lights'... and it comes through 'us' from God.

God gets the glory, whether people believe in Him or not... God is the one who gets the glory....It's just a matter of being open and receptive to the flow of His presence in our hearts and in this earth.

This video is literally 'slavery upgraded', with all of the new technology serving as the lures and chains of bondage and their master is sa'tan, the evil one... :nono:
Sadly, I don't believe my Generation (X) has passed the fear of God on to Generation Y...this is generally speaking and not an assignment of blame. We can only fight this war the best way we know how: On our knees in prayer and fasting. That's where the power lies to change things.

It's so sad that we have a spillage of generations past --- that have closed themselves off from God, unable/unwilling to pass on His love and the knowledge of God to their children. . .

While reading your post, Luke 16:26 came to mind:

" ... And beside all this, between us and you there is a Great GULF -- FIXED: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence."

Now I know this is speaking of Paradise, the original 'holding' place for 'saints', prior to Jesus and the Cross; however satan has placed a great gulf (a great divide), between this generation and God. he has made it his business to block the path which leads to salvation.

But OH!... But Jesus... But Oh! ... But the Blood!

The Blood that He shed which bypasses the fixed divide (that great gulf fixed into place) for He, our Jesus has formed a bridge for each of us to easily crosss over... unto Him.

Jesus said it in Revelation... "Whosoever will... let him come and drink 'freely' the waters of life... :yep:

'Whosoever will..." :notworthy:

Father God in the Name of Jesus... I thank you for the bridging the gap, closing the great gulf which the enemy tried to 'fix' -- put in place, between us, to blind those in darkness from seeing and coming unto you.

Father God, thank you for 'Whosoever will...' That whosoever will, you will let them come unto you, and turn not back from them; for you are waiting as did the Father of the Prodigal Son...for the loved ones of your heart to return home, forever more.

They who are yours, will not be taken from you, no matter how far they've gone; how far they've run; how far they have become in darkness. For you as their God and as their Father, will continue to leave the 90 and 9 to bring home the one's, where they belong.

In Jesus' name... Amen and Amen. :Rose:
That video is so powerful. I think it sums up things very well. The enemy is hard at work and we are under spiritual attack.

Honestly, this has impacted me very strongly and I realize that I need to pray against these things in our society on a constant and continual basis. I believe that there is power in prayer and I like to think that our prayers help our Angelic Army fight the enemy.

Oh wow... You spoke a powerful word here and God gave me a revelation of it.

When you said 'the enemy is hard at work'... God spoke this to my heart: "The enemy has to work harder because he has no peace.... he has no peace because he has lost his footing and is without a firm foundation."

Those of us in Jesus have the peace of God which surpasses 'ALL' understanding,therefore we work in joy and peace knowing, we have the greater victory... for sure. :yep:

Yeooooooowwww :yay: Paaaa raaaaaiszzzze the Lord! :yep:
Amein... :yep:


Father God in the Name of Jesus... I thank you for the bridging the gap, closing the great gulf which the enemy tried to 'fix' -- put in place, between us, to blind those in darkness from seeing and coming unto you.

Father God, thank you for 'Whosoever will...' That whosoever will, you will let them come unto you, and turn not back from them; for you are waiting as did the Father of the Prodigal Son...for the loved ones of your heart to return home, forever more.

They who are yours, will not be taken from you, no matter how far they've gone; how far they've run; how far they have become in darkness. For you as their God and as their Father, will continue to leave the 90 and 9 to bring home the one's, where they belong.

In Jesus' name... Amen and Amen. :Rose:
I finally made time to see this. Powerful!!! I see that he is coming to Newark, NJ in May so I want to bring some of the young brothers and sisters to see this or hear him speak. Something needs to speak to these young men and women. :nono:
Thanks for sharing!
this is the first time i've seen this thread. i thought it was new. my goodness, what a powerful video. it's all true. i still can't believe black people are callin' themselves n*****. i've been on messagesboards where many of blacks all eachother that. so sad! why are they doin' that???? :nono: