
New Member
Oh my goodness ladies. When I first got mine in the mail I thought it was a piece of crap. The teeth were flimsy and I thought "my coarse 4a hair? No way this thing will do any good." well ladies let me tell you. First I cowashed my hair and used the TT while it was sopping wet with conditioner. Butter. It glided right through my hair. But I figured hey, maybe my conditioner just has a lot of slip. So then I deep conditioned under a shower cap and a hat all day and before I rinsed it out at the end of the day I detangled. BUTTER. Then I did a braid and curl, and after two days with that my hair was a MASS of tangles. Originally I had planned to cowash but I decided to detangle first, so I slathered some coconut oil all over my head and uses the TT. MY MY MY . After this, I'm never using something else to detangle again. It was like there weren't even any tangles in my hair to being with! The thing that really got me is I'm insanely tenderheaded. Usually I have to mentally prep myself before I detangle, but with the Tangle Teezer I didn't feel a THING. and no shed or broken hairs! That's the best part! I love this thing, best investment ever made for my 4a all natural hair.
Thanks for the review, I can't wait to get one. Hopefully this will work, I'm tired of seeing tons of broken and shedded hairs when I detangle
Haha, you're right, I used to "mentally prep" myself before detangling sessions. The TT was one of the best investments ever for my 4b hair! I know what you mean, that's why I keep telling everyone, I don't even feel like I'm detangling anymore b/c w/the TT its like I don't have tangles to begin with! Good review!
Yeah the TT is lovely on my DS's hair. It cut the detangling session down by half even he kept marveling how good it is!
Yeah the TT is lovely on my DS's hair. It cut the detangling session down by half even he kept marveling how good it is!

Dumb question but what does DS stand for? I'm new here so I'm still getting used to these acronyms