The Struggle Of Being Alone


Well-Known Member
The Struggle Of Being Alone

Genesis 32:24 "This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break."

Being alone seems to be a challenge more to individuals now than ever before. It can be a frightening period of your life no matter how long or short the period may be. Yet, being alone is usually where God has to get us if He is going to do with us what He did with Jacob.

Jacob had just finished sending his wives, children, and all of his possessions across the Jabbok River. He sent them ahead of him not knowing what was going to happen to him because he had made some bad choices earlier in his life with his brother Esau and didn't know if Esau was going to kill him. So there he is, family gone, money gone, and wondering what his life was going to look like. He could have been wondering if he would ever have the relationship with the love of his life again. He could have been wondering if he would ever have the opportunity to see his children grow up. And yet, it was necessary for him to be alone at that point in his life. He actually thought it was his choices that caused him to be alone. No my friend. God set him up to be alone! Listen to this phrase, "This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break."

It wasn't until everyone had gone, his relationships were gone, his possessions were gone and loneliness was setting in that a man showed up to wrestle with him. It's as if God was waiting for this moment. Loneliness seems to make you wrestle with every fear, insecurity, doubt, and more emotions than you could ever imagine. Yet, God already knew that. That's why he waited until he was alone. He didn't wrestle forever. He just wrestled until the breaking of day. That means that loneliness only lasts for awhile. But once the struggle was over, God had asked Jacob questions of who he really was, touched his hip which affected how he would walk the rest of his life, and healed him from his past. I know being alone is a struggle friend, but it won't last always. I know you can even be in a crowd and feel alone. The wrestle you have is God trying to see who you really are so you can be secure in him, yourself, and your future.

Sometimes we have to send away relationships because we got our identity from them and forgot who we really were before they ever showed up. Keep wrestling on the inside. Just make sure you have the mindset Jacob had. "I will not let go unless you bless me!" If you have to be lonely or wrestle with loneliness, know that a blessing is tied to it in the end! Keep wrestling friend. The next thing you know it will be a new day, a new season, and you will be a new person that will arise from the struggle!

This is no time to pout but praise! The very fact that you are wrestling with loneliness and being alone is a sign that things are dark now but daybreak is just around the corner. Wrestle just a little longer. Yes, a little longer even if you are tired. Yes friend, a little longer. You'll be glad you were alone when it's over. This is not about how cute you are, how much money you have, or how good a man you think you are compared others who have relationships. This is about your future and your relationship with God. That's personal.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, someone is feeling the pain of loneliness is too much to bear. Help them be still and know that you are God. Help them grow and learn to be at peace with their alone time so they can be ready for whatever or whomever you have when they finish this season. Even though it's challenging, remind us we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Help us not to be the cause of our own aloneness by refusing to be vulnerable as well. wrestle us down until our spirit is strong enough and our mind is clear enough!

In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
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Prayer: Dear Jesus, someone is feeling the pain of loneliness is too much to bear. Help them be still and know that you are God. Help them grow and learn to be at peace with their alone time so they can be ready for whatever or whomever you have when they finish this season. Even though it's challenging, remind us we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Help us not to be the cause of our own aloneness by refusing to be vulnerable as well. wrestle us down until our spirit is strong enough and our mind is clear enough!

In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

I so need this prayer
thank you
Prayer: Dear Jesus, someone is feeling the pain of loneliness is too much to bear. Help them be still and know that you are God. Help them grow and learn to be at peace with their alone time so they can be ready for whatever or whomever you have when they finish this season. Even though it's challenging, remind us we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Help us not to be the cause of our own aloneness by refusing to be vulnerable as well. wrestle us down until our spirit is strong enough and our mind is clear enough!

In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Amen. This is a great prayer.
Thank you Cherokee...I too needed this. My heart has been so heavy due to being lonely and I couldn't understand why. Your post put some light into my situation.
The Struggle Of Being Alone

Genesis 32:24 "This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break."

Being alone seems to be a challenge more to individuals now than ever before. It can be a frightening period of your life no matter how long or short the period may be. Yet, being alone is usually where God has to get us if He is going to do with us what He did with Jacob.

Jacob had just finished sending his wives, children, and all of his possessions across the Jabbok River. He sent them ahead of him not knowing what was going to happen to him because he had made some bad choices earlier in his life with his brother Esau and didn't know if Esau was going to kill him. So there he is, family gone, money gone, and wondering what his life was going to look like. He could have been wondering if he would ever have the relationship with the love of his life again. He could have been wondering if he would ever have the opportunity to see his children grow up. And yet, it was necessary for him to be alone at that point in his life. He actually thought it was his choices that caused him to be alone. No my friend. God set him up to be alone! Listen to this phrase, "This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break."

It wasn't until everyone had gone, his relationships were gone, his possessions were gone and loneliness was setting in that a man showed up to wrestle with him. It's as if God was waiting for this moment. Loneliness seems to make you wrestle with every fear, insecurity, doubt, and more emotions than you could ever imagine. Yet, God already knew that. That's why he waited until he was alone. He didn't wrestle forever. He just wrestled until the breaking of day. That means that loneliness only lasts for awhile. But once the struggle was over, God had asked Jacob questions of who he really was, touched his hip which affected how he would walk the rest of his life, and healed him from his past. I know being alone is a struggle friend, but it won't last always. I know you can even be in a crowd and feel alone. The wrestle you have is God trying to see who you really are so you can be secure in him, yourself, and your future.

Sometimes we have to send away relationships because we got our identity from them and forgot who we really were before they ever showed up. Keep wrestling on the inside. Just make sure you have the mindset Jacob had. "I will not let go unless you bless me!" If you have to be lonely or wrestle with loneliness, know that a blessing is tied to it in the end! Keep wrestling friend. The next thing you know it will be a new day, a new season, and you will be a new person that will arise from the struggle!

This is no time to pout but praise! The very fact that you are wrestling with loneliness and being alone is a sign that things are dark now but daybreak is just around the corner. Wrestle just a little longer. Yes, a little longer even if you are tired. Yes friend, a little longer. You'll be glad you were alone when it's over. This is not about how cute you are, how much money you have, or how good a man you think you are compared others who have relationships. This is about your future and your relationship with God. That's personal.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, someone is feeling the pain of loneliness is too much to bear. Help them be still and know that you are God. Help them grow and learn to be at peace with their alone time so they can be ready for whatever or whomever you have when they finish this season. Even though it's challenging, remind us we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Help us not to be the cause of our own aloneness by refusing to be vulnerable as well. wrestle us down until our spirit is strong enough and our mind is clear enough!

In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Brilliantly worded. I needed this.
THanks for sharing!!! I love this first paragraph below.

Being alone seems to be a challenge more to individuals now than ever before. It can be a frightening period of your life no matter how long or short the period may be. Yet, being alone is usually where God has to get us if He is going to do with us what He did with Jacob.
The Struggle Of Being Alone

Genesis 32:24 "This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break."

Prayer: Dear Jesus, someone is feeling the pain of loneliness is too much to bear. Help them be still and know that you are God. Help them grow and learn to be at peace with their alone time so they can be ready for whatever or whomever you have when they finish this season. Even though it's challenging, remind us we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Help us not to be the cause of our own aloneness by refusing to be vulnerable as well. wrestle us down until our spirit is strong enough and our mind is clear enough!

In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

BE-A-U-TIFUL! This has really lifted my spirit. Thank YOU!!!!:yep:
Prayer: Dear Jesus, someone is feeling the pain of loneliness is too much to bear. Help them be still and know that you are God. Help them grow and learn to be at peace with their alone time so they can be ready for whatever or whomever you have when they finish this season. Even though it's challenging, remind us we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Help us not to be the cause of our own aloneness by refusing to be vulnerable as well. wrestle us down until our spirit is strong enough and our mind is clear enough!

In Jesus' name I pray, amen.


I also really needed this. It's funny how God uses everything he possibly can to get some thing across to you. I told myself I was just going to take a little peek in this forum and instead I found something I really needed. I'm printing this out. THANK YOU.
I just found this.

Bumping for someone else who may need it... It has helped me to better understand.

Joy cometh.

Thank you ClassicChic.
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It wasn't until everyone had gone, his relationships were gone, his possessions were gone and loneliness was setting in that a man showed up to wrestle with him. It's as if God was waiting for this moment. Loneliness seems to make you wrestle with every fear, insecurity, doubt, and more emotions than you could ever imagine. Yet, God already knew that. That's why he waited until he was alone. He didn't wrestle forever. He just wrestled until the breaking of day. That means that loneliness only lasts for awhile. But once the struggle was over, God had asked Jacob questions of who he really was, touched his hip which affected how he would walk the rest of his life, and healed him from his past. I know being alone is a struggle friend, but it won't last always. I know you can even be in a crowd and feel alone. The wrestle you have is God trying to see who you really are so you can be secure in him, yourself, and your future.
The bolded sentence in the above quote has been SO true for me. Even though I have family and friends, I tend to be alone 90% of the time every day of the week. Even around people, I can feel lonely. It seems like the lonliness has gotten more overwhelming over the pass 2-3 years. Now that I have a Monday thru Friday job, go to church 2-3 times a week, and just go along with the common routine of life (work, eat, sleep), there's more lonliness. I just hope I can be able to deal with my doubts, fears, and emotions better when I'm alone as my life progresses.

I decided to post this as a Facebook note. By the way, do you happen to know the source of this article?
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The bolded sentence in the above quote has been SO true for me. Even though I have family and friends, I tend to be alone 90% of the time every day of the week. Even around people, I can feel lonely. It seems like the lonliness has gotten more overwhelming over the pass 2-3 years. Now that I have a Monday thru Friday job, go to church 2-3 times a week, and just go along with the common routine of life (work, eat, sleep), there's more lonliness. I just hope I can be able to deal with my doubts, fears, and emotions better when I'm alone as my life progresses.

I decided to post this as a Facebook note. By the way, do you happen to know the source of this article?

I totally understand how you feel. I can be in the company of others and still feel alone.

Unfortunately, I do not know the source. I may have received it in a email.