The Spirit really moves


New Member
I've never posted in this section of the forum before.
I guess I'm a bit intimidated by its exclusivity.
But none the less.. I thought I'd share my experience with you.

I have some difficulties on my job, and yesterday I thought I had had it!
I saw myself quitting and sure as hell hurting somebody.

You know when you get the point that you can actually see yourself doing something wrong? well I was there, and I just thought I would jump through a window.

I was in a bad mood driving home, so pissed off about my day, I was snapping at my husband. I got home and was just mad, irritated, didnt want to talk to anyone, just left alone. Those last two hours on my job really set me off with a bad spirit.

I hadnt spoken to my mom in a lil while (she's back in Trinidad) so I called her last night, and I started to tell her that I wanted to quit yesterday because my day was so bad..
She asked me, what time was that? I told her.
She said that she couldnt stop praying for me and the persons on my job, and she was trying to remember them by name because she felt in her spirit something was wrong.... I was like hmmn.. this is a usual thing so I wasnt blown away, yuh know?

This morning I was on my usual phonecall to my gf who lives about a couple hours away from me.
I didnt have a time to tell her what happened yesterday and how I was feeling.
So while telling her she said her husband asked how I was doing, and he said yesterday the Holy Spirit kept telling him to pray for my head, constantly, and he couldnt figure out what was wrong.

The devil sure as hell had a plan and I know God had one too. He was in complete control.
Thank God for the Holy Spirit. I'm sure without those people interceding for me, I woulda done something terrible.
Wonderful testimony! Goes to show you that we really don't know what is going on behind the scenes of our lives. God and the devil are battling for our souls. God bless you!