The smiley box is evil.


FKA Pokahontas
Does the smiliey box give you guys problems? It could be just my computer but whenever I open it to use one the whole website freezes and sometimes my whole computer goes haywire.:spinning:

I've resorted to using smiley's from other sites but that's a pain.
Does the smiliey box give you guys problems? It could be just my computer but whenever I open it to use one the whole website freezes and sometimes my whole computer goes haywire.:spinning:

I've resorted to using smiley's from other sites but that's a pain.
I thought it was just me.If I'm not using Internet explorer it starts acting crazy.
Ok, I thought it was just me, lol. I've been having this problem for a long time....probably back when the site upgraded or whatever it was they did.
Does the smiliey box give you guys problems? It could be just my computer but whenever I open it to use one the whole website freezes and sometimes my whole computer goes haywire.:spinning:

I've resorted to using smiley's from other sites but that's a pain.

I'm not alone! It would take forever to load up and when it did and I clicked before all the images were would shuffle up and down and bleep like crazy.
Mine does the same thing. I'm obligated to use only the ones that show up without having to open the box because my computer totally freezes to where I have to reboot sometimes. But it only happens at work. It's works fine on my computer at home.
I have no problems with it, though sometimes it takes a few seconds to load, it doesn't crash, beep or anything like that. I use Firefox.
Mines use to do that and what I started doing was expanding the box before it loaded up completely and it worked. Now I have no problem with it.

However I am having a problem with staying signed in. After I loaded the yahoo toolbar my sign in will logoff after being idle for 10 minutes. If you can help a sista out!!!! I uninstalled the yahoo toolbar and checked all my setting against another pc where my sign in stays connected and everything matched yet my laptop sign sign out after 10 idle minutes. Help!
I have the same problem, my computer freezes everytime...I have resorted to memorizing the codes for the smileys I like the most instead of opening up the page to the smileys. :perplexed
This started happening a lot. entire messages would be lost and I'd have to start over. Really annoying... Now I just use the smilies on the right.
I rarely use the smiley feature because it does act weird. My computer doesn't freeze, but it takes a while to load, and then my smiley might end up in the very front of my post, which is where I don't want it.
I thought about this after i posted, my computer dosen't actually freeze...just lhcf and i have to shut it down and start over. I've lost many a post because of it. Most of the time i'm scared to open it.