The secret to my twist out/braid out


New Member I am 8 days from getting a relaxer after an 8 week stretch. Sta Soft Fro and Pantene Detangler have truly been my friend. I have also been co washing my hair every 3 days.

I finally figured out how to get cute twist outs...

1. Co wash hair
2. Put in a leave in moisturizer
3. Seal with NTM healing serum
4. Gently detangle with Pantene Dentangler
5. Gently part hair and spray roots with Sta soft Fro
6. Make about 6-8 twists. Either pin curl or roll.
7. Cover head go to bed.
8. In morning, untwist put on headband. hair is still slightly damp but it is easy to finger comb.
9. as hair dries during day, it does get big...but that is OK. Still cute.

This is what has worked for yours truly. I think I am going to go for 9 weeks for the next stretch....