The Search is Over!!!....


New Member
I posted a while back about finding and switching to lye relaxer. Well the answer was right in front of my face all along!!1

I just did my regular touch up last week. When I went to the BSS I was determined to find a lye relaxer. I was going to use Affirm or Mizani. Well I wasn't surprised when I couldn't find Mizani. I think you can only get it if you are a stylist. But when the store owner said they didn't carry Affirm I gave up all hope. I went to pick up my regular Vitale no lye relaxer and for some reason I gave the aisle a closer look.

There was a whole section devoted to Vitale products but I never really paid much attention to it because I always had what I needed. There sitting one shelf above my no lye was the lye relaxer!! Wow! it was in the no mix form so I didn't even recognize it!

I went ahead a purchased the no lye but I plan to use the lye on my next touch up. The reason why I did that is because with the no lye kits, everything is in the box for you already-- the shampoo, conditioner, pre conditioning treatment, mix... The lye relaxer was just that--lye relaxer. I was in a rush and I didn't have time to find out which shampoo I needed to buy or which conditioner. Now that I know which lye relaxer I'm going to use, I'm going to do my research and find out what exactly I need to get to go along with the relaxer.

I'm really happy about this because Vitale is a line I know and trust. Now that I think about it,when Vitalewas first put in my hair,the stylist (back then) used a lye relaxer.

My next relaxer touch up is in March. Wish me luck!!! and if any of you lye users have any input, advice or pointers please please let a sista know. Hey I might even figure out how to put my results in to pics on this site!!!!:eek: