The Scab Hair Theory is Confirmed!


New Member
Last night I was going through the forum and I found some threads on scab hair. I was pretty sure that I had one of those heads that had a mix of textures, cuz I found a bunch of little spirals. Well, I am reviewing Mixed Chicks products for my beauty blog, in hopes that I could see the spirals a little better. Well, it worked! As I gently pulled my hair, I could see the spirals forming, more than I had ever seen before. They were literally all over the place. The thing was, the spirals were forming underneath the top 1/2 inch of my hair. I realized that all of that stingy, stringy, unruly hair was simply the aftermath of my relaxer. So, what did I do? I cut off all of the scab hair that I could find. Now I can see my spirals much better. I hadn't had a trim since I did the BC, so I really needed it.

Now, I can see my REAL texture! :D
what exactly is scab hair? what is the definition/description? would it be the new growth after the relaxer? is it the relaxed hair thats turning into something else? what does it look like? i'm clueless here...:confused:
Scab hair may or may not occur while a person is transistioning from relaxers. The hair tends to be straight, very coarse, dry and hard. It can grow out eventually or people can cut it.
You're very welcome! I had scab hair around the crown/canopy area (top of the head) and I suspect that's because the majority of the relaxer was applied there.
So could this be the issue with my nape area??? It is EXTREMELY hard and dry and it looks absolutely awful!!! I'm thinking about getting it shaved off completely and starting it all over. It's only one inch any way. Could this help??
It took me over 6 months to grow out that scab phase and it was a big difference once it was gone, Feelinit how long have you been natural? also check the products that you use.
NappyParadise said:
It took me over 6 months to grow out that scab phase and it was a big difference once it was gone, Feelinit how long have you been natural? also check the products that you use.


I noticed your siggy. I suffer from that condition myself. Maybe we can talk more about it because I've found no cure from the pain and my curve is getting worse...

Anyway, I've been natural off and on for over 10 years. Started in high school. But anyway, my nape area was always a prob for me. It was always ugly cukabuggy(if that is a word) I love my natural hair, sometimes, but the nape has always been a sore spot for me.

In an attempt to remedy the way it looked especially when I wore ponytails, I permed it for a temp solution, but within a month, it would go back to being really dry and coarse. I never thought that perm may be a factor.

Just this instant though, I took the scissors to the back of that B#$!# and cut it all off. Now I'm bald back there and I love it. I've got my Boundless Tressess and I'm going to see how it goes from here.
LOL!!! Good luck to you! & Yes we can talk about the siggy it's my 11yr. old.
Have you tried Qhemet Biologics Heavy Cream? I know that saved me with my scab phase alot and it kept my scab soft. Maybe that is just how your hair is in the back, do you sleep on the back of your head alot? LOL!!! I don't know that was just a thought.
I think I had scab hair too, because my hair (especially the new-growth) is a lot softer than it was a year ago.
Congrats! Nobody's gonna scab on you!:D(sorry, corny) Until like 6 months after my bc i though I just had really rough dry hair, so scab hair is for real. Good job nipping that right in the butt!
Boy that scab hair is a Mutha! LOL!!! But once it is gone you will have soft natural hair, I know it took my daughter about 8 months to grow hers out and now it is soft and lovely.
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I had scab hair... at the temples of my hair... my hair is 3b/3c/4a and the temples (which I believed was the most overprocessed, damaged part of my hair) was a straight brillo pad :lachen: as it grew and I cut it, it was able to retain moisture better and get a better curl pattern (in my hair more curls=moisturized)
I also think I may have scab hair at the temples of my hair but do you have to cut it off in order for it to be gone or can you just let it grow out and do it's own thing?
I also think I may have scab hair at the temples of my hair but do you have to cut it off in order for it to be gone or can you just let it grow out and do it's own thing?

The lady in the video had cut most of it out at the time and planned to cut the rest as the rest of her hair grew. I am sure you can as you grow. I think it is good that you know why some of your hair is so dry could be caused from the Scalp Hair condition.