The Revelation in Separation


Well-Known Member
Got this in one of my devotionals today. Thought it could help someone!:yep:

The Revelation in Separation
Rev. James C. Matthews

"And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord." Deuteronomy 8:2-3, NKJ

I believe there are times in our lives when God removes us from the routine of life, and separates us from others, so that he can spend some time with us. Without God "taking this time" with us, we would drift through our lives preoccupied and distracted by life, and never pursue the destiny and purpose He created us for. Because these places of separation are often uncomfortable and dry places, we resist them and conclude that God must be punishing us, when in reality He is preparing us through separation. It is in these dry places, where no one else can help us (including ourselves), that we discover that God is our source, our healer and protector. We discover that our true source is not our jobs, our families, our education or money - but God alone! This level of revelation cannot be gained unless we have spent some quality time with God. Oftentimes, if we don't voluntarily "make this time" for God, He will involuntarily "take this time" for Himself.

Separation Is Often an Indication of Designation
If it seems like everyone and everything that you've always looked to for support is gone-it is not a coincidence but rather divine providence. It may be an indication that God is readying you for a transition in your life. Ask Abraham, the one whom God separated from his family to give him and his descendents a Promised Land. Ask Joseph, the one who was forcibly removed from his father's house (of which he was the least of 12 brothers) so that he could become the second most powerful man in the world. Ask Moses, the one whom God separated from Egypt and prepared in the desert for 40 years to deliver His people from slavery. Ask David, the youngest son of Jesse, the one whom King Saul removed from his father's house and placed in the palace where he could observe firsthand what it meant to be king. Finally, ask the apostle Paul, the one whom God separated from the pharisaical order so that he could become a leader and pillar in the Kingdom of God. Separation is indication of God's designation of those He is calling.

Separation Is a Sign of Preparation
God is preparing and positioning you to discover something about Himself that He cannot reveal to you while you are surrounded by others. He needs to separate you from the people and things that you have placed in positions that belong to Him. They would only distract you from hearing and seeing the things He wants to show you. During this time of separation and seclusion, we also discover things about ourselves that we otherwise would have never known. There is no one to impress or save face with when we are alone. God has the ability to show us who we really are so that He can begin the process of molding us into who He's called us to be. God will remove our support and separate us from the things that we've become familiar in order that He might reveal to us something much greater-Himself.

In Deuteronomy 8:2-3, we read that God purposefully lead His people into the wilderness for the purpose of proving Himself to them. God used this place of isolation to develop their confidence in Him as their God. They did not labor for their living, but simply believed God for their living. There was no Walmart in the wilderness, therefore they had to trust God for their food, clothing and care while having no money to buy anything with. God proved to them that He was their one and only "true source". They would have never received this revelation, without this time of separation and sanctification with God.
* Exerpted from book "Your Situation is Not Your Destination."