The real deal with Caruso Steam Rollers

sweet mocha

New Member
The real deal with Caruso Steam Rollers
Is there anyone out there that can give us the real deal about the Caruso
Steam Rollers? Do they damage the hair? I've just started using them and my ends are very frizzy and sometime tangling. So what is really up?:wallbash:
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Is there anyone out there that can give us the real deal about the Caruso
Steam Rollers? Do they damage the hair? I've just started using them and my ends are very frizzy and sometime tangling. So what is really up?:wallbash:

How long are you leaving the roller on the steamer? If they steam too long or if you remove the roller before they are fully cool, it can give you frizzies. Also, your hair needs to completely dry before using them.

I don't usually have tangles when I use them. I usually just finger comb after I remove the rollers.
Hi Myco,

Girl I need help!!!!!! I leave the rollers on the set for about 1 min. (gotta get my next section ready) So I would so the roller is very wet. My hair is usually dry. I leave the roller set into my hair about 20 min(so i can get a tight curl). I even put conditioner on the ends with end papers. So I don't know.
Hi Myco,

Girl I need help!!!!!! I leave the rollers on the set for about 1 min. (gotta get my next section ready) So I would so the roller is very wet. My hair is usually dry. I leave the roller set into my hair about 20 min(so i can get a tight curl). I even put conditioner on the ends with end papers. So I don't know.

Good Night! That's a long time. Generally speaking, the roller shouldn't sit on the steamer longer than 5-10 seconds. I think that is the problem. You should be able to just feel the heat of the steam starting to come through the roller. If you feel actual moisture, it's been on too long.
I love Caruso Steam Rollers. I don't use them as much as I used to but I will never give them up. You are definitely leaving the rollers on too long. Only leave them on a few seconds. I put one on and by the time I section my hair and put a paper at the end it's ready to go.
Hi Myco,

Girl I need help!!!!!! I leave the rollers on the set for about 1 min. (gotta get my next section ready) So I would so the roller is very wet. My hair is usually dry. I leave the roller set into my hair about 20 min(so i can get a tight curl). I even put conditioner on the ends with end papers. So I don't know.
ITA with Myco and the other ladies--you are leaving the rollers on the steam vent way too long. One minute is 60 seconds! Your instruction booklet tells you how many seconds to leave it on. Personally, I place them on the vent about 8 seconds, shake out any excess moisture and quickly roll up my hair. No frizz. You may want to review your booklet and actually count the seconds the roller is on the vent. :yep:
ITA with Myco and the other ladies--you are leaving the rollers on the steam vent way too long. One minute is 60 seconds! Your instruction booklet tells you how many seconds to leave it on. Personally, I place them on the vent about 8 seconds, shake out any excess moisture and quickly roll up my hair. No frizz. You may want to review your booklet and actually count the seconds the roller is on the vent. :yep:
okay okay. I see i am committing end suicide. I tried them again today. i left them on long enough to section my hair. The result was way better than the first few times. they turned out alot better. Thank you soooo much for the advise.
but would you say they are safe to use 2 to 3 times a week?
I agree- I HAVE to use end papers, otherwise my hair is mushy mess. I think its becuase I uzse them on airdried hair as opposed blowdried, so hair is retaining moisture.

I usually have mine sit on the steamer for about 6-8 seconds. Anything more gives mushy,damp hair, even with end papers.
I used Carusos regularly when I was growing my hair from about ear length to when it was long enough to fit into a pony. The key is not to leave each roller on the steamer for too long. It'll get really wet, and can lead to frizzies. If you do leave it on the steamer too long....then leave the roller on your hair longer and let it dry. Taking out the rollers while hair is still wet, will lead to frizzies also. Leave each roller for less than 10 secs. I usually hold each roller while it sits on the steamer and rotate it with my fingers and when I feel the steam has gotten too hot, then I know its time to pick it up off the steamer.

What I like about Carusos is, the steam doesn't harm the hair, its fast, easy, and gives really pretty curls. There were times where I would go to work all day, return home, reset the Carusos, and go back out to dinner or an evening event. I use them less these days. But funny I should read this, 'cause I used them this morning.
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sweet mocha, your curls are very pretty. I have the vidal sasson steam rollers and mine come out okay. I think I need to use smaller curls to get curls like yours. I notice my ends do get tangled from using them.
Hi everybody, I'm thinking of buying Caruso's and using them as an alternative to curling since my hair has gotten a little longer. How long does it take on average to curl the entire head?
Hi, I am new to this forum after lurking for close to 4 mths, this is my first post so I am giddy with excitement!!
Anyways, I just got the caruso as well as the electric ceramic rollers (think its by Remington). I've tried the ceramic ones on dry hair and got pretty good results, have not tried the caruso. My concern is this: I have very little time (and even less talent) for special hair issues so I want something effective but simple, the caruso sounds like it will take so much time and precision (eg., how long to leave the rollers on the steamer, end paper, etc), is it worth the hassle? What is the benefit of steam rollers vs. the electric ceramic ones? I can only keep one of them! thanks in advance for your help.
My concern is this: I have very little time (and even less talent) for special hair issues so I want something effective but simple, the caruso sounds like it will take so much time and precision (eg., how long to leave the rollers on the steamer, end paper, etc), is it worth the hassle? What is the benefit of steam rollers vs. the electric ceramic ones? I can only keep one of them! thanks in advance for your help.

leave each roller on steamer for a few seconds
you do not need end paper, i apply tad bit of oil (coconut oil, styling wax whatever)
from start to finish = a few mins total.
to make sure they dry completely, i set, get dressed, do makeup, get my girls ready, and take out rollers last.

i've never used electric ones, so i cannot comment on that.
but with steam, you know that it is heat that will NOT harm your hair AND adds moisture.
Hi everybody, I'm thinking of buying Caruso's and using them as an alternative to curling since my hair has gotten a little longer. How long does it take on average to curl the entire head?

Hi Daephae, it kinda of depends on you. You kinda of have to work out the kinks and find out what works for you. But i learned from Serenity on her Fokti, how to use them. you are gonna laugh, but i usually set aside all of the rollers i am gonna use to make the process quicker and easier. i place the caps next to the roller with the end papers (some people say use them-others say don't-find out works for you). i let the rollers stay on the steamer just long enough to section the hair (i got this tip from the ladies on this site) and place a little oil on the tip and place the end paper. that is about 3-4 seconds. keep checking out different threads about this to work out a regimen that will work for you.
I'm pretty slow when i put mine in. i let the rollers stay for about 15-20min. I'm usually getting dressed, putting on makeup and so forth. I absolutely love them!!!!! You will fall in love immediately!

good luck
. My concern is this: I have very little time (and even less talent) for special hair issues so I want something effective but simple, the caruso sounds like it will take so much time and precision (eg., how long to leave the rollers on the steamer, end paper, etc), is it worth the hassle? What is the benefit of steam rollers vs. the electric ceramic ones? I can only keep one of them! thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Kemji, you know what i did. I tried mine the night i bought them. I was honesty thinking these things can't possibly work. So i rushed home washed my head and put them in. 30 mins later i had stars in my eyes!!!!!!! my sister had just came over in the process of putting them in. When i took them out, our eyes met and we were like dang!!!! theses are great. She was like i'm going to get some asap.
Like i told Daephae, using ends papers are up to you. Find out what works and what does work thru trial runs on your hair. (everyone hair is different)
Good luck!!!!
I LOVE caruso's! I have been using them since I was like 15 for real. They are the only hot rollers that have ever worked on my hair. I had the old salt version too!

They give me long lasting bouncy curls. If you're getting frizzies, its b/c the roller is too wet and you're leaving them on the steamer too long. I put mine on like, 1--2-3-4 and I roll up that piece. I leave mine in like 10mins.