The real benefits of relaxer stretching?


Well-Known Member
Why do you stretch your relaxers, and for how long? Does it help you retain more length? If you relax hair every 6 - 8 weeks and do not overlap, is that okay? Are there any ladies who streched and stopped because it caused too much breakage? Did any ladies find there was no difference in stretching versus relaxing sooner? I'm debating rather or not I should stretch. I'm afraid that I would experience breakage though, and my hair doesn't seem to have an ill effects from relaxing every 6 weeks but everyone seems to be stretching and I'm wondering should I join the bandwagon.
I have always relaxed every 3 months. Not sure exactly why, I guess that's just the way I did it as a kid and its stuck. Last year I tried going every 2 months and I think I did get some overlapping now because I feel my relaxed ends are too straight, so I'm back to going every 3 months. Besides, I'm all about saving some $$ and going every 3 months saves some cash :)

At the end of the day, you need to do what works for you. Try going 7 weeks instead of 6 and see how your hair does. If you can make it 7, then try making it 8. If you feel your hair starts breaking, then you get your hair relaxed, but at least you know how your hair reacts at 7, 8+ weeks post...

Good luck!
Since I started my hair journey with LHCF I've been stretching my relaxers every 10 - 12 weeks and it has help improve the overall health of my hair.

However, I'm thinking about relaxing every 8 weeks now because I would like to wear more straight styles without using direct heat. If I notice a change in the health of my hair I will began to stretch longer.

Basically, you have to try it for yourself to determine if it's beneficial to your hair. Some ladies relax every 6 - 8 weeks on this board and their hair is healthy and long. HTH:sunshine:
I've done my relaxers every 3-4 months and my hair loved it.:yep: I had far less breakage and a LOT more growth.
I stretch my hair out, because I was used to being natural (now I'm texlaxed) and I'm a "Do-It-Yourselfer" so it really helps me see new growth vs. texlaxed hair when I touch up.

I stretch 10-14 weeks. If I see breakage from the two different textures before then I usually go ahead and relax. But I always make it to at least 10 weeks. I normally stretch 12 weeks and texlax. But the longest I've gone is 14 weeks. My hair is thick and pretty. :)
yup, id have to agree with the other ladies. You can increase the number of months gradually...until you find a time frame that works for your hair.

I'm lazy soo stretching just seemed like the thing to do; plus I can't stay on any type of "schedule" so I'll relax one week (not write down when) and wait like 10 weeks, but then Igo to relax again and I can't remember if I did it 7 or 10 weeks ago! So, to be on the safe side, I end up going like 30 weeks without one...totally by mistake.

Plus, I'm a poor college student who likes Mizani, so that plays a major role in what I do...
when i first started i was getting one every 4 to six months with no problems. then everytime my stylist saw a wave she would relax me(i was to naiiv to know that was wrong). so because of that it was like every month or two:nono:. im now 6 months post and its no big deal to me. my hair isnt breaking and i control the new hair the same as i do the relaxed.
but now i do my hair my self and only go to my stylist every two months instead of every two weeks for a press and curl. in between that time i use no direct heat so my hair is thriving from a number of things.
you should try it out and maybe it'll surprise you
Before I knew about hair boards I aleays relaxed at 6 weeks or so with no problems, even when I self relaxed. I am 6 weeks out now and this new growth is rather forest-y. I think next week I'll relax it.
I use to relax every 9 months to a year, but now since my hair has grown to tremendous lengths I will relax every 3 months. It cost $96 for me to relax so I don't want to do it every six weeks. Plus, the risk of overlapping is much, much less.:yep:
Thanks ladies for all your input. It sounds like everyone has had pretty good experiences stretching. I just may try it out and increase it a week or two each time, as onejamifan said to see how it goes for me. So much of this journey is trial and error!!:ohwell:

chicanella, why in the world does it cost you $96 to relax? And I thought $50 was bad. Thats enough to make you wanna stretch a good 3 - 4 months just for financial reasons.

ETA: Missindc, is that Queen Latifah in your avatar?? She looks gorgeous!
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Thanks ladies for all your input. It sounds like everyone has had pretty good experiences stretching. I just may try it out and increase it a week or two each time, as onejamifan said to see how it goes for me. So much of this journey is trial and error!!:ohwell:

chicanella, why in the world does it cost you $96 to relax? And I thought $50 was bad. Thats enough to make you wanna stretch a good 3 - 4 months just for financial reasons.

ETA: Missindc, is that Queen Latifah in your avatar?? She looks gorgeous![/quote]

I was wondering the same thing.If so, she looks fab!
I go about three months or so before I relax. I notice that when I take my super greens and/or vitamins on a regular basis, my new growth is a different texture and I can cope with my growth much easier. It makes stretching bearable.
I typically stretch my relaxers every 12-14 weeks but this time I'm doing my longest stretch ever - 30 weeks. I am currently at 19 weeks and have 11 more to go. I am using boxed braids to accomplish this long stretch though. I believe that stretching for me helps to give my hair thickness and strength it so needs as it is fine-textured. I texlaxed my last relaxer and will continue to do this as it makes my hair appear thicker.

When this long stretch is over though, I will go back to texlaxing my hair every 10-12 weeks because it's growing faster now because of the biotin, MSM, B-complex vitamins and flaxseed oil. I am also using ayurveda powders, oils and henna on my hair for added thickness and strength.
Honestly, I stretch every 3-4 months because I like to feel my natural texture every once in a while. I like to do the braidouts, experience the mega shrinkage and get that big ponytail puff. When I get tired of it, which is about after 15 weeks I relax.
I usually stretch 12 weeks. But I really don't think it causes much of a problem before 10 weeks. I mainly do it to keep from overlapping.
I streched 8 months and the benefits are a rest for my hair not too much chemical , My hair grew and is thickier and healthier , you must take care of you demarcation line and well moisture the NG.
Only one advice don't strech too long if you can't take good care of your hair because you can experiment more breakage .
Good luck .
I stretch to 16/18 weeks.. I use to do it every 6/8 weeks but doing that doesn't promote growth promotes overlapping
Why do you stretch your relaxers, and for how long? Does it help you retain more length? If you relax hair every 6 - 8 weeks and do not overlap, is that okay? Are there any ladies who streched and stopped because it caused too much breakage? Did any ladies find there was no difference in stretching versus relaxing sooner? I'm debating rather or not I should stretch. I'm afraid that I would experience breakage though, and my hair doesn't seem to have an ill effects from relaxing every 6 weeks but everyone seems to be stretching and I'm wondering should I join the bandwagon.

*retain more length...I'm currently 8wks (normally stretch 8-10wks)on a 12wk stretch (2nd time around)
*I co wash often now to keep the NG soft....prepooing with a protein cond to strengthen...airdry and my hair is great...try it,but move from 1 wk longer each stretch :yep:HTH
I do it cuz I'm cheap. I can stretch to 3 months, so that means I go to the salon only 4 times a year at around 80 bucks a pop. Now that I'm co-washing and using castor oil on my hair, I think I can even stretch to 4 months if I wanted to.
I've done my relaxers every 3-4 months and my hair loved it.:yep: I had far less breakage and a LOT more growth.

:yep: I just completed my first 18 week stretch. I relaxed my hair this morning and my hair is at least 1.5 inches longer than I thought it was. Plus, this is the thickest my hair has ever been.

I actually have a REAL ponytail that is so thick and about 6 inches long from the base of the ponytail which is loose because I don't like tight ponytails.

I have never gone beyond 12 weeks and before that, I had never gone beyond 9 weeks.

My last relaxer was on Christmas day. 18 week or longer stretching is what I will be doing from this point forward because it really gives you a chance to gain a lot of growth and see the results of all your hard work.
I have just stretched my last relaxer for 5 months. I didn't mean to do it. It just kinda happened because I haven't had time to do the relaxer. I have been doing a lot of DC because I noticed I don't have as much shedding as I would with out it. I have been wearing my hair in protective styles the whole time. So that has been working for me.:grin:
When I relaxed, I used to limit relaxers to about 1 to 2 per year, at max 3. My hair was very thick and I suffered limited breakage :yep:, but I also relaxed semi-bone straight so that it would straight with just a wet wrap and used no heat