The Purpose of Failure


Well-Known Member
I came across this free e-book by Zac Poonen today. I haven't read the whole thing (yet) but the bit that I read was edifying.:yep: In case anyone else is interested, here is the link: The Purpose of Failure.

... God gives His best gifts to those who don’t deserve them. Those who came to work in the vineyard at the eleventh hour, knew that they deserved nothing and so got paid first. But those who had come earlier, who felt they deserved their wages, ended up last. ...

You always have a good Word (scripture) and a good message to share.

Just wanted to thank you with more than the 'thanks button'.

I appreciate you. Your posts in the Encouragement Thread have made my heart smile... :yep:

Thanks again...

And the Word is with Loolalooh and 'walks among us, and flows into our hearts..'. :yep:

You always have a good Word (scripture) and a good message to share.

Just wanted to thank you with more than the 'thanks button'.

I appreciate you. Your posts in the Encouragement Thread have made my heart smile... :yep:

Thanks again...

And the Word is with Loolalooh and 'walks among us, and flows into our hearts..'. :yep:

Awww, You're welcome and Thank YOU Shimmie. You ladies encourage me and keep me going. :grin:
Thanks for the link to the book loolahlooh. I read it and and it was very timely for me.