The power of the Word/ A part of my testimony


Well-Known Member
For a while now, I've been in a valley. When people quoted scripture, it seemed so tired and old and things that I've heard for all of the 21 years of my life. Now I feel like I must be going through a type of spiritual awakening/deliverance, something, I don't know how to describe it but everything, every scripture that was old and that seemed so unapplicable seems new and fresh and relevant in my life.

For instance, I have always had an issue with replaying events, past memories and thoughts in my mind. I thought I had no control and it just tormented me frequently. I found this scripture

" Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" 2 Corinthians 10:5

I memorized this scripture and every time a thought of my past, my sin, my problems, my pain has been coming into my head I say it and almost instantly I feel a weight taken off of me, it seems like God takes the thought and binds it up out of my mind. This is crazy! I have never experienced God's Word like this before I feel like I just have to tell everyone.

I'm so scared that these are just feelings and that they will go away soon so I am seeking God like never before. I don't ever EVER want to be disconnected from God again. But I know fear is not of God and perfect love cast out all fear and perfect love is God.

Its like I knew these scriptures, I know the Word, I grew up going to church 3 times a week, I'm the person who can complete the pastor's sentences and scriptures during the sermons but there was no feeling.

I really don't want to be typing all this but I must be obedient, even if no one responds someone may read this and feel better or be able to relate. The Christian forum has been a LIFE SAVER for me, and it may be for someone else.

This is a part of my testimony because I know that God is nowhere near finished. I feel like this is just the beginning.
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For a while now, I've been in a valley. When people quoted scripture, it seemed so tired and old and things that I've heard for all of the 21 years of my life. Now I feel like I must be going through a type of spiritual awakening/deliverance, something, I don't know how to describe it but everything, every scripture that was old and that seemed so unapplicable seems new and fresh and relevant in my life.

For instance, I have always had an issue with replaying events, past memories and thoughts in my mind. I thought I had no control and it just tormented me frequently. I found this scripture

" Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" 2 Corinthians 10:5

I memorized this scripture and every time a thought of my past, my sin, my problems, my pain has been coming into my head I say it and almost instantly I feel a weight taken off of me, it seems like God takes the thought and binds it up out of my mind. This is crazy! I have never experienced God's Word like this before I feel like I just have to tell everyone.

I'm so scared that these are just feelings and that they will go away soon so I am seeking God like never before. I don't ever EVER want to be disconnected from God again. But I know fear is not of God and perfect love cast out all fear and perfect love is God.

Its like I knew these scriptures, I know the Word, I grew up going to church 3 times a week, I'm the person who can complete the pastor's sentences and scriptures during the sermons but there was no feeling.

I really don't want to be typing all this but I must be obedient, even if no one responds someone may read this and feel better or be able to relate. The Christian forum has been a LIFE SAVER for me, and it may be for someone else.

This is a part of my testimony because I know that God is nowhere near finished. I feel like this is just the beginning.

Right on time Dreamlife...
I needed to hear this and I thank God for the prayers we never say, but he answers. Thanks so much for this, may God continue to bless you :amen:
Right on time Dreamlife...
I needed to hear this and I thank God for the prayers we never say, but he answers. Thanks so much for this, may God continue to bless you :amen:

Thanks. There were so many times that I did not know what to pray for and I finally had to realize (from people IRL and on the board) that the Holy Spirit is and has been interceeding for me and on my behalf to get me to this point.
Let me tell you that lately I have been experiencing such thoughts about my past etc. and i have seen those scriptures, from growing up in a christian home and church, coming to pass. I've realized that it's just satan and his shameless attacks and I cast away those mind binding spirits as well. And that feeling of relief and peace is something that i could never get through someone else's faith. I had to realize it on my own. And I love it.:yep:
For instance, I have always had an issue with replaying events, past memories and thoughts in my mind. I thought I had no control and it just tormented me frequently.

Why are you all up in my business?:lachen: Sweetie you are not alone. I was JUST talking to my co worker about how I just realized that it was satan who was putting a certain thought in my mind over and over again! Something that happened long ago too! This morning Bill Winston was talking about how satan will play a tape over and over again in your mind. :yep: That was my confirmation.
So glad that you recognized and used the sword of the spirit! :grin: It always works!
For a while now, I've been in a valley. When people quoted scripture, it seemed so tired and old and things that I've heard for all of the 21 years of my life. Now I feel like I must be going through a type of spiritual awakening/deliverance, something, I don't know how to describe it but everything, every scripture that was old and that seemed so unapplicable seems new and fresh and relevant in my life.

For instance, I have always had an issue with replaying events, past memories and thoughts in my mind. I thought I had no control and it just tormented me frequently. I found this scripture

" Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" 2 Corinthians 10:5

I have to tell you, I've always had this issue also. IT's a battle for me. THat is a great scripture. I need to memorize it also. :yep:
Thanks ladies for the responses. I know that God is doing a great work in me, and I just feel compelled to share it with everyone for some reason. And I know many other people struggle with their thought life in the way I do. I'm just glad that he is renewing my mind now in ways that I never thought possible.:yep:
For a while now, I've been in a valley. When people quoted scripture, it seemed so tired and old and things that I've heard for all of the 21 years of my life. Now I feel like I must be going through a type of spiritual awakening/deliverance, something, I don't know how to describe it but everything, every scripture that was old and that seemed so unapplicable seems new and fresh and relevant in my life.

For instance, I have always had an issue with replaying events, past memories and thoughts in my mind. I thought I had no control and it just tormented me frequently. I found this scripture

" Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" 2 Corinthians 10:5

I memorized this scripture and every time a thought of my past, my sin, my problems, my pain has been coming into my head I say it and almost instantly I feel a weight taken off of me, it seems like God takes the thought and binds it up out of my mind. This is crazy! I have never experienced God's Word like this before I feel like I just have to tell everyone.

I'm so scared that these are just feelings and that they will go away soon so I am seeking God like never before. I don't ever EVER want to be disconnected from God again. But I know fear is not of God and perfect love cast out all fear and perfect love is God.

Its like I knew these scriptures, I know the Word, I grew up going to church 3 times a week, I'm the person who can complete the pastor's sentences and scriptures during the sermons but there was no feeling.

I really don't want to be typing all this but I must be obedient, even if no one responds someone may read this and feel better or be able to relate. The Christian forum has been a LIFE SAVER for me, and it may be for someone else.

This is a part of my testimony because I know that God is nowhere near finished. I feel like this is just the beginning.


I struggle with this myself and your testimony is right on time! Thanks for sharing!!!
Chronic lurker and first-time LHCF poster coming out of the shadows for this. Zion's woke now, because your testimony was so powerful. I rejoice and celebrate the manifestation of your breakthrough with you.
Your testimony is amazing and demonstrates that God’s word is Spirit and it is life (John 6:63) and that it is sharper than a two-edged sword penetrating our souls (knowledge and mind base) and spirits (the part of us God speaks to)… (Hebrews 4:12).
Stay encouraged. You have nothing to fear. Rest assured that He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it. Your responsibility is to yield to His Spirit and rest in His ability to transform you. When you feel like you’re slipping back into the old man, stir up the gift of encouraging yourself with His word. Overcome the enemy by rehearsing your testimony and by reminding yourself that it’s not what or how we feel. It’s what we believe.
Believing in God’s word works. You’re right—He is in no way finished. Let Him complete the work to transform you into the beautiful thing you are destined to become.
DL, I think a lot of women go through that. Satan loves to attack the mind but it seems to me it happens more with women than men. Men seem to be attacked more on a physical plane (death) and women on a mental/emotional plane.

Thank you for your post. See, it did help. Me included. :hug:
For a while now, I've been in a valley. When people quoted scripture, it seemed so tired and old and things that I've heard for all of the 21 years of my life. Now I feel like I must be going through a type of spiritual awakening/deliverance, something, I don't know how to describe it but everything, every scripture that was old and that seemed so unapplicable seems new and fresh and relevant in my life.

For instance, I have always had an issue with replaying events, past memories and thoughts in my mind. I thought I had no control and it just tormented me frequently. I found this scripture

" Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" 2 Corinthians 10:5

I memorized this scripture and every time a thought of my past, my sin, my problems, my pain has been coming into my head I say it and almost instantly I feel a weight taken off of me, it seems like God takes the thought and binds it up out of my mind. This is crazy! I have never experienced God's Word like this before I feel like I just have to tell everyone.

I'm so scared that these are just feelings and that they will go away soon so I am seeking God like never before. I don't ever EVER want to be disconnected from God again. But I know fear is not of God and perfect love cast out all fear and perfect love is God.

Its like I knew these scriptures, I know the Word, I grew up going to church 3 times a week, I'm the person who can complete the pastor's sentences and scriptures during the sermons but there was no feeling.

I really don't want to be typing all this but I must be obedient, even if no one responds someone may read this and feel better or be able to relate. The Christian forum has been a LIFE SAVER for me, and it may be for someone else.

This is a part of my testimony because I know that God is nowhere near finished. I feel like this is just the beginning.

Actually I'm 21 and in the last year or two this is everything I've been dealing with. And the reoccuring thoughts are something I thought that only I constantly deal with
Chronic lurker and first-time LHCF poster coming out of the shadows for this. Zion's woke now, because your testimony was so powerful. I rejoice and celebrate the manifestation of your breakthrough with you.
Your testimony is amazing and demonstrates that God’s word is Spirit and it is life (John 6:63) and that it is sharper than a two-edged sword penetrating our souls (knowledge and mind base) and spirits (the part of us God speaks to)… (Hebrews 4:12).
Stay encouraged. You have nothing to fear. Rest assured that He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it. Your responsibility is to yield to His Spirit and rest in His ability to transform you. When you feel like you’re slipping back into the old man, stir up the gift of encouraging yourself with His word. Overcome the enemy by rehearsing your testimony and by reminding yourself that it’s not what or how we feel. It’s what we believe.
Believing in God’s word works. You’re right—He is in no way finished. Let Him complete the work to transform you into the beautiful thing you are destined to become.

I'm glad you came out of the shadows! This is some great advice, I'm just so glad that I'm free but I know that the devil is still busy and I have to stay encouraged in Christ.