the power of the tongue


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Saturday, October 17, 2009 Print Article
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Jothany Blackwood "The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary..." (Isaiah 50:4).
It is amazing that God would empower regular folks like us with the ability to impact people around us in meaningful ways. That he would recognize that we would need access to his power to endure the perils of this journey and use us to speak a relevant Word so his people might be changed.
We have all been given the very real power of uplifting and encouraging our brothers and sisters in Christ through the Word of God. That means that we have access to the Spirit and power that resides in His Word, and it can manifest itself in our lives. When we speak over our situations, then we must also believe that the things God said will come to pass, especially when there is no evidence of it in present times.
God rarely blesses us just for ourselves, but we are conduits for him to bless his people. He understands that sometimes we need to receive understanding, a renewing word, and a timely prayer from folks whose lives reflect ours in more tangible ways. We can then appreciate that what God places in us is bigger than us and that the gift is to be used to uplift and encourage so that they may also walk in their purpose.
The experiences we have come through, though weary, have made us stronger and we can then translate that knowledge into a pathway for others to find their way.
God sent you ahead in that struggle so you could then return to his people and tell them how to survive it. And more importantly, to survive it whole. God is saying rather than ask why you went through it, recognize that he finally raised his hand to say enough. And to understand that the pain and weariness you are feeling is nothing compared to what the devil had planned for you if God had not stepped in.
See there are others who could not have handled what you went through, who would have given up facing those conditions, who wanted to die from the pain, but because of the Word God planted in you, they were able to continue the journey.
The wisdom that God has given you from your testimony was not just for you, but he trusts us to speak that into people's lives. This is so they may know his power, his love, his grace, and his presence, even when it seems we are alone. We never are alone and he needs you to remind someone of that simple truth.
And though weary from our struggles, it will be our sharing of the life changing power of God in our lives that will make the difference in these uncertain times.
God is saying rather than ask why you went through it, recognize that he finally raised his hand to say enough. And to understand that the pain and weariness you are feeling is nothing compared to what the devil had planned for you if God had not stepped in.

This paragraph stood out to me and it's the absolute truth!

Thank you for sharing.
The tounge is very powerful. Lately I have been learning to just sit down and shut up.
Life and death are in the power of the tounge.