The Power Of Accountability


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Wednesday, October 21, 2009 Print Article
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Bonnie St. John If you want to deepen your experience of these daily devotional messages and thus your relationship with God, consider choosing a prayer partner to share this journey with you.
Going through each devotionals with a friend or prayer partner creates a great opportunity to discuss your thoughts, feelings and insights along the way, deepening your understanding. It is also helpful to have someone who will hold you accountable and challenge you to stay on track. And of course, as we know, where two or more are gathered, He is there. So with a prayer partner it's a mini-prayer meeting!
Whatever frequency you set up, daily, weekly, or even monthly, you can meet in person or by phone. Try starting each meeting with a prayer. You can read the daily devotional out loud, and discuss any insights that emerge. Or, if not meeting daily, each of you can bring one devotional that has touched you since the last time you met. Take turns reading your devotional message and explaining why it resonated with you.
You may also want to prayerfully commit to your partner that you will take certain actions or make changes in the time before your next meeting. Close with a prayer to strengthen you and your prayer partner for the journey.
At your next meeting, you can check in on whether you were able to accomplish your goals (or not--we are human!) and how the discussion topic showed up in your actions and attitudes. Sharing this journey with a partner will significantly increase your ability to learn to live God's joy in the world; it can double your joy! Having a partner keeps you accountable and therefore makes a more powerful impact on your life.
Are you willing to experience the power of accountability?
If you've decided that having a prayer partner feels right to you, take time now to list three potential prayer partners. Get in touch and if your first choice isn't available for this journey right now, keep trying until you find someone who is.
You are on your way!
Besides DH, mom is my other prayer partner, and every time I call her with a heavy heart, she picks up on it right away and we pray on the phone. Sometimes I don't say anything and she'll say something that confirms and I'm always :shocked:

Good post, and I'd think time and space won't matter for prayer partnering. :yep: