The Pinky Toe Ministry


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Daily Devotional
The Pinky Toe Ministry
By Tanya James
This week's topic: The Church

Have you ever stumped your pinky toe? Painful right? Have you ever really injured your pinky toe? If you have then you know just how excruciating that pain can really be. But I’m not even sure the pain is the worst part about it … it’s how thrown off balance it makes you. Yes, that little toe affects your balance. It may seem useless and most of us probably take them for granted but it really does help maintain your lateral balance.

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Our pinky toes remind me of some members of the church that feel that they are useless. They don’t believe they play a role nor have any responsibilities. Every Christian is needed … and every Christian has been called to do “something” in the Body of Christ.

There are no “big” and “little” Christians in God’s eyes. It may appear, like the pinky toe, that you aren’t really needed. However, just like a broken pinky toe throws off your physical balance … a broken piece in the Body of Christ throws off the spiritual balance.

It doesn’t matter if your church has 10 members or 10,000 members, the pastor cannot do it all … he (or she) cannot touch everyone. Don’t take it for granted what God has placed inside of you to do. And don’t be envious of what someone else is doing … you too have a role and responsibility!

Yes some are called to preach, some are called to teach … but if God has called you to be a greeter … please understand that you shouldn’t blow that off. Somebody needs that hug that you will provide. You could very well be the vessel that God uses to change someone’s mind about committing suicide. They thought no one cared, and then you reached out to them.

If you’ve been called to work in the nursery, don’t take that for granted. The words and love you are sowing into the children who are left in your care is seed that will later be watered. The harvest that comes forth could be the difference in them being a future leader instead of dropping out of school and living a life of drugs and alcohol.

And your responsibility as a Christian goes far beyond the four walls of the church building …

If your co-worker is going through something difficult and confides in you … don’t say, “You should come to church with me this weekend and have my pastor pray for you.” No, you pray for them right then and there. God hears and answers your prayers just like he hears and answers your pastor’s prayers.

If you know someone lost everything they had in a fire …don’t just tell them, “I’m gonna pray for you.” Do something …How about you and a few of your friends look through your closets and see if you have anything you can donate to them? And if you don’t… why don’t you coordinate a clothing drive for them?

If you know someone without transportation and you know they are trying to get to service, offer them a ride in your 8 passenger SUV that is empty … don’t just give them the # to the bus ministry at the church.

We have ALL been called to play a part … what’s yours? If you don’t know... Seek God about it and then walk in it. If you do know … don’t sit around waiting for someone else to do it.

“In this way we are like the various parts of the human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we’re talking about is Christ’s body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of His body. But as a chopped off finger or cut off toe we wouldn’t amount to much, would we? Since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be. Do this without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t.”

Scripture Of The Day: "For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another." - Romans 12:4-5 NKJV