The Photo Gallery


New Member
Is the photo gallery down? When I click on the link from the main forum selection page - it's all symbols...

Yes girls there is a problem with the gallery. For some reason the @#$WF script produces garbage instead of what it is supposed to be doing. I am working on this though and should have it done quite soon.
Well thank you muchly Dear Dimopoulous....

We appreciate the efforts

And don't hurt the &@!6@&# scripts..... LOL! We can wait darlin'!
hmmm...I was just about to come in here and complain to my favorite Greek Cowboy.

But I see it's all under control, so I'm good now.

Incidentally, Nikos Darling, I looooooove the quick reply feature. How convenient!

Though the PM thing that display icons for mail that's been read or not is too small and hardly distinguishable. Just an opinion and not intended to offend, Dear man!

Girls, I had to restore the previous version of the Gallery so that I don't deprive you of this feature any longer. I will need to run some more tests on the new version of the scripts before I release it...

Unfortunately it works like a dream on my pc but for some reason it doesn't on the server and I will need to find out why.

So enjoy..

Please be patient with Nikos he is a very busy man, and I assure you that he has not forgot. There is a technical issue with it, and he needs time to resolve it. To answer you question, yes the photo gallery is directly related to the hair journals. When the photo gallery works, the hair journal links will work.
WE LOVE YOU NIKOS!!!! (even if we sometimes seem to forget how grateful we REALLY are - YOU ARE APPRECIATED DUDE!

I don't think so Destinee. I have just uploaded a picture and it worked just fine for me. Are you getting a timeout error? If yes, then your picture is quite big and your internet connection slow, hence your computer cannot transfer the data as fast as the script wants it and it times out.

No It's not a time out. I have a pretty fast connection. I can't remember the excact wording something like it my file is not acceptable? I'll have to double check when I get home. I'm not sure if this makes a difference but using Netscape 7.0 as my browser. To many problems with IE.

ETA I'm uploading my pics as JPEGs.
JPEG is just fine. Please record the message (even a screenshot and send it to me via mail)


Okay I still can't upload my photos.
This is the message rec'd:

Error creating thumbnail! Error code: 127
Command: /usr/bin/X11/mogrify -format jpg -quality 80 -geometry 75x100 /home/longhair/public_html/gallery/data/500/20024_21_03-thumb.jpg

I'm not sure what to do? I've tried using Netscape 7.0 and IE 6.0.
Destinee, please email me the picture and I will have a go at it using your account. Perhaps this will give us more hints as to where the problem lies.
