The Perfect Puff

Caramel Jewel

Well-Known Member
I'm three months into transitioning ... How many inches is needed to do a nice afro puff....(sounds like a word math problem:))
hw long is your hair now, are you saying if you were to bc now how long would it take to get a nice puff?
I don't know what you all mean by a puff. Do you mean an actual pony tail puff where you use an ouchless band the size of your wrist to get a puff?

I consider a puff anything that looks like an afro pulled back so I was able to make a puff when my hair was 3 inches long. I just used one of those big elastic thingies and put it over my head and then pushed back on my hair till the point where I couldn't go any farther without my hair springing out of it.

This is one of my earliest puffs:

As my hair gets longer, I just push the band farther back.
yeah that's the style....I thought it was called a puff....

That's what I call it too :yep: so we're >>here<< :grin:

BTW, believe it or not, this was a puff too. :lachen: (Don't I remind you of those bald babies that wear a headband with a bow? :lol: )The difference was I twisted my hair here instead of braiding it for the night. I got a bigger puff when I braided my hair, even though I baggied.
That's what I call it too :yep: so we're >>here<< :grin:

BTW, believe it or not, this was a puff too. :lachen: (Don't I remind you of those bald babies that wear a headband with a bow? :lol: )The difference was I twisted my hair here instead of braiding it for the night. I got a bigger puff when I braided my hair, even though I baggied.

That's cute.....I saw someone with a nice puff the other day I should have asked her how she did it...but I didn't want disturb her....she looked a little busy...I've had my hair permed for years, when I bc, I have no idea how my hair will be styled or even how to sytle it... I have so much to learn :look: