The "Original" Aphogee--Got a question


Well-Known Member
I noticed the other day that my hair is a bit stretchy so I thought that this evening I could do an aphogee treatment. The one with the animal protein. I just realized that I don't have any of the conditioner that you are suppose to use after the treatment. All my BSS stores are closed now and I want to know if silicon mix intensive treatment will be ok to use after aphogee. I also have several cheapie condish and an optimum conditioner that restores and protects. So what do you think? What should I do or is there anything that I should add to my cheapie conditioners to give it a boost. I have lots of things that I can add so fire away.
I noticed the other day that my hair is a bit stretchy so I thought that this evening I could do an aphogee treatment. The one with the animal protein. I just realized that I don't have any of the conditioner that you are suppose to use after the treatment. All my BSS stores are closed now and I want to know if silicon mix intensive treatment will be ok to use after aphogee. I also have several cheapie condish and an optimum conditioner that restores and protects. So what do you think? What should I do or is there anything that I should add to my cheapie conditioners to give it a boost. I have lots of things that I can add so fire away.

I would say wait until you have all that you need to bring your hair back from the protein just to be safe
I've used the Aphogee two step and mixed cheapies with honey, coconut oil, and any other humectant on hand and was just fine.

If you have what you need on hand to make what usually DCs your hair WELL that'll do.

If you don't, just wait until you do.

People say cheapies + add-ins don't DC, but I've got over 50 products reviewed that say otherwise. :lachen:

As with all things, do what's best for YOUR hair.

Maybe try the lighter 2-min restorer?
The balancing conditioner that they sell with the treatment sucks, so in my opinion you are better off not buying it. I normally use a conditioner like Joico Hydrating Balm or AO honeysuckle rose after I do the aphogee treatment. You should be fine if you use any moisturizing conditioner that works for you.
thanks. I have some M.O.P. mixed greens shampoo and conditioner. I think I will use that and just add some coconut oil and honey to the conditioner just for the extra umph. Hope the honey doesn't add too much protein, I also have some glycerin, I may add a little of that too.