Well-Known Member
Idk if my hair is fine or not
<<<<<<<just wants to belong lol
<<<<<<<just wants to belong lol
Fine haired natural! I'm MBL and trying to get to WhIP. This is the longest, healthiest, and thickest my hair has ever been.
Fine hair checking in. My fine hair refuses to get past bsb, the longest it's been was grazing bsl. It's very difficult, dare I say, impossible to retain and I've been at my hair care journey for several years now. I would also add that fine hair is prone to setbacks, which I'm guessing and hoping has been my problem (and not that it CAN'T get longer). Protein overload and Matting and dreading , both unintentional, kept screwing with my progress, and stupidly I had used the flat iron one too many times last year. I had gone on a 7 year stint of no direct heat that made my hair fuller, but not very much longer. My ends and retention drive me insane! I am prone to splits. Anyway I tried to make a thread like this awhile ago, so I hope this one stays around, like a support thread to give us some encouragement be ause I know it can feel like I'm putting years an dears of hard work on my hair and the smallest tiniest mistake messes me up.
Idk if my hair is fine or not
<<<<<<just wants to belong lol
Thanks for this thread coolsista-paris
My hair is thick but I have fine strands which explains why my hair never held a curl or any definition without a styling mousse when I was relaxed.
I learnt (the hard way) that I can't blow dry or flat iron very often so now that I'm natural, I am off heat until I reach my goal of HL. I don't even want to see a heat styling tool.
There is this part of my crown on the left that never grew past 5 inches with processed hair. It just broke off constantly while the rest of my hair thrived. I have to handle that area gently and moisturise it consistently. Now it's retaining like that rest of my hair.
I moisturise nightly because if I don't, retention slows because I get tangles and breakage. I braid up my hair each night in about 4 to 10 braids as I moisturise because if I don't, I'll have tangles to deal with the next day. Still looking for a way to reduce manipulation daily but so far I haven't found any because I have to moisturise nightly at least. Satin or silk scarves are a must for bed.
@KiWiStyle I wish I had discovered that buns were not my friend earlier...Year one my hair wasn't long enough to bun and I got great retention and hardly any splits. Year two I felt all cool because I could finally bun and did so a lot and had to trim due to splits often. Now in year 3 I'm back to updo's mainly because DH said that he wasn't a fan of buns (neither was I but did it for the so called health of my hair), and I'm noticing that I hardly have any splits.
KiWiStyle I wish I had discovered that buns were not my friend earlier...Year one my hair wasn't long enough to bun and I got great retention and hardly any splits. Year two I felt all cool because I could finally bun and did so a lot and had to trim due to splits often. Now in year 3 I'm back to updo's mainly because DH said that he wasn't a fan of buns (neither was I but did it for the so called health of my hair), and I'm noticing that I hardly have any splits.
KiWiStyle what is second day hair? Heck, what is second hour hair? please... lol!
@KiWiStyle I wish I had discovered that buns were not my friend earlier...Year one my hair wasn't long enough to bun and I got great retention and hardly any splits. Year two I felt all cool because I could finally bun and did so a lot and had to trim due to splits often. Now in year 3 I'm back to updo's mainly because DH said that he wasn't a fan of buns (neither was I but did it for the so called health of my hair), and I'm noticing that I hardly have any splits.