The next time somebody says.......


Well-Known Member
That black people are the only ones with "nappy" hair. And that black people are the only ones with, "kinky hair"... or some bull like that... show them these photos! And then slap the taste out of their mouth.

I found these photos on a community I'm on, of a white girl with what apears to be 3c/4a/4b hair. Its really quite beautiful.... But I thought you all would be interested in seeing it!



And one more for good measure...

her hair is cute! Nice to know that she is proud to wear it au naturale!

Yeah I think its adorable! Im also imagining how hilarious it probably was for her mother to comb all that stuff out when she was younger and not knowing a thing about it. LOL :lachen::lachen::lachen:
This isnt shocking

i know lots of white girls with hair like this

and most of them have black in them somewhere down the line

or irish!
Her hair is pretty. That is foolish to believe that only black people have only 4a/b hair. I have seen a lot of white people with 4a/b hair. It is more common than you think. Doesn't Justin Timberlake have 4a/b hair.
This isnt shocking

i know lots of white girls with hair like this

and most of them have black in them somewhere down the line

or irish!

This isnt the first time Ive ever seen it, Ive just never had a photograph to pass around on LHCF before though LOL.
Her hair is pretty. That is foolish to believe that only black people have only 4a/b hair. I have seen a lot of white people with 4a/b hair. It is more common than you think. Doesn't Justin Timberlake have 4a/b hair.

I have no idea.

However, Ive heard some pretty ignorant folks say stuff like that before (black people have "bad hair" or only black folks have hair like that etc etc...)
Justin is more like a 3a/b but her hair is lovely and i'm happy shes rocking it and not tryna change it up. Beautiful!:love:
The International Spiral Sisterhood of Hair meets on Tuesdays

There are a lot of Sephardic people (Jews from Africa and the Middle East) in my neighborhood. A whole bunch of them have hair like this.
Africa has crossed every continent so nappy/kinky/afro type hair exists among all races. Just as straight hair can exist with those of us with Black blood.

Today, I saw this Latina crossing the street in front of our car with some full on afro-textured hair. Also, this Mexican lady I work with swears her aunt and I have the same hair!

I dare someone to let that nonsense come out of their mouth in my presence!:rolleyes:
Her hair is pretty. She does look like she might have some kinda black in her somewhere. I've seen a vietnamese lady and other white folks with hair like that too.
Re: The International Spiral Sisterhood of Hair meets on Tuesdays

There are a lot of Sephardic people (Jews from Africa and the Middle East) in my neighborhood. A whole bunch of them have hair like this.[/quot

What she said ..many Arabs have much kinkier hair than the United Arab countries ..the locals look like African Americans.
Re: The International Spiral Sisterhood of Hair meets on Tuesdays

There are a lot of Sephardic people (Jews from Africa and the Middle East) in my neighborhood. A whole bunch of them have hair like this.

Yeah, I just figured she was jewish. Could tell by the nose too.
Re: The International Spiral Sisterhood of Hair meets on Tuesdays

There are a lot of Sephardic people (Jews from Africa and the Middle East) in my neighborhood. A whole bunch of them have hair like this.

ITA, I grew up with a lot of Jewish girls that had hair like friend used to use baby oil to tames her's :perplexed
i love this kid's hair
his name is David
he's the singer in a rock band called Panima

now, i dont know all of his ethnicity
from what i've seen, he considers himself mixed
mixed with what? i have no idea
i know for sure he's partially latino/hispanic


a couple more of his hair:

Re: The International Spiral Sisterhood of Hair meets on Tuesdays

Yeah, come to think of it, she does look jewish.............Maybe this is what Jesus' hair looked like?:look:

Some folks think so because of this Bible verse:
"And the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool." Daniel 7:10

I am NOT preaching here - just a hardcore reference geek. You'd think I'd stop tracking stuff down on my day off.
Well most people who have that hair ARE black so it's not such a crazy thing to say. And yes there are some Jews, etc. with 4a/b hair and clearly it came from Black ancestry.
An Armenian lady told me some weeks ago her mom has hair like mine (4a). Her dad's is straight though, and she ended up with hair in-between (curly-wavy). She hates hers and wishes it were one (super curly) or the other (super straight) :rolleyes:.