The Next Big Hair Growth


New Member
The Next Big Hair Growth


People experiencing normal male/female pattern baldness/thinning
It is common knowledge that majority of people will experience some degree of `hair loss (pattern baldness) at some point in their lives. It is also well known that this form of baldness is caused by decrease in blood flow to the scalp. It is also common knowledge that massaging the scalp - or doing anything else that will increase blood flow - can decrease or stop hair loss and improve hair growth. Mag-Gro will increase blood flow to the scalp better, faster and for less money, than any other product on the market to day.

The Mag-Gro technique is not rocket science. There is no magic potion or chemical reaction. Mag-Gro is a simple and effective way to enhance blood flow to the scalp using a very simple massaging action. The more Mag-Gro is used, the more blood will flow to the scalp. Increased blood flow is the HOLY GRAIL of HAIR GROWTH ©

People with gray hair
It was not until December of 2004 that scientist first discovered what makes human hair turn gray. It happens when the melanocyte cells located within the hair follicle, at the base of the hair shaft, move away from the hair shaft. When this happens the melanin located in the melanocyte cell can no longer be passed into the hair shaft. At this point the hair shaft loses its color and begins to appear gray or white.

The compression of the scalp by Mag-Gro apparently impacts these melanocyte cells in such a way that many of them move back into position and color can once again be returned to the hair shaft. In this way Mag-Gro returns color to your hair, naturally. This is something that has never been done before.

People whose hair is dry and dull
When Mag-Gro compresses the hair follicle it also compresses the sebaceous gland. This, in turn, causes the body’s natural hair oil to enter the hair shaft thereby making the hair remarkably soft and shiny.

Men and woman who have lost their hair due to normal pattern baldness
Mag-Gro was invented to address this very problem. Nothing has ever been able to cause new hair – full size and fully pigmented – to re-grow out of a previously bald head. That is, not until Mag-Gro was invented.

Men and woman over the age of 25 with normal hair growth and color.
All people interested in keeping their hair soft and shinny with little or no gray hair should make the revolutionary Mag-Gro Concept part of their daily health care ritual. Brushing your teeth makes your mouth look and feel better and it helps to prevent cavities. Rolling your scalp twice a day, every day, will make your hair look better and last longer.

What do you all think?
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It looks like a big curler with little plastic or rubber spikes protruding!

I guess this will encourage all those who are massaging their scalps every day.

Remember Capilong (sp?) something people were doing ages ago? (Its
in archive now.) Some said it worked for hair growth only because of the
daily scalp massage they had to do.
