
Hair product junkie reloaded!
Well, as yal know, I took out my braids this weekend and my hair was a hot mess. after a good washin it felt MUCH better....but it took me rouhly 5 washes to finally get my hair completely detangled! I have no probs with the new growth.....the roots I could comb through but man when I started to get to the relaxed ends my comb just gave up! I also had a lot of shedding and slight breakage of relaxed ends.

Anyway, I washed tonight with LOVELY hair is air drying now...I do not know how to braid...otherwise I would have braided i into a coupe sections. For now, it's combed out and looks like an afro. I cannot wai til I am natural..I think I will look nice with a comlete, real fro! I am too tired to take pics now, but I have a lot of new growth...will post pics later.

oh, I stretched one part of my hair and it went all the way to my collar bone! I think thats the colar know, where your neck meets your chest area? I was shocked! Of couse, most of that is relaxe ends :mad: but at least I can tell I have gotten made growth!!


P.S. ALready gettin the itch for more braids...prolly get cornrows next time :grin:
You had alot of new growth the last time I looked at your album...I know you have tons of it now:D ....

Start combing from the ends up to eliminate breakage...shedding is natural...especiallly if you just had braids...
Cornrows sounds good to me. Keep enjoying your new growth. Before you know it you will be chopping those relaxed ends and you will be all natural!
I have the same problem as you PittGurl, my relaxed ends are getting on my nerves :mad: the tangles are easing up somewhat from 2mos ago, I cant wait to be completely natural also.

hopeful said:
Cornrows sounds good to me. Keep enjoying your new growth. Before you know it you will be chopping those relaxed ends and you will be all natural!

I'm feeling like this soooo baaad. I ready to chop off these last few inches, but Im such a punk. I will be cutting it myself, when I do. I dont know how I will muster the strenght to do it.
Congratulations on your new growth. I am stretching my relaxer to 16 wks. First time ever that long. Usually about 12 wks. I almost broke down and got a touchup with all this new growth. Then I thought about all the ladies on the board that are transitioning w/o big chop and I keep telling myself that I can do it.
yeah...i cant wait to chop when its time!

I just love how the new growth sticks up! I used to think I would like crazy with an afro but I think I will look nice.