The new #1 reason for divorce is.....


Well-Known Member
Abuse, according to a new survey.

On behalf of John S. Yohanan posted in Domestic Violence on Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We have talked about the serious nature of domestic violence in prior posts. While we may assume, or want to believe, that abuse between spouses is not a widespread problem, a survey conducted by GFK Roper and commissioned by claims that it is the number one reported reason for divorce.

Both men and women were surveyed by telephone and the results showed that 36 percent of them reported abuse - either verbal or physical - as the reason for filing. When the statistics were divided between the genders, an incredible 48 percent of women claimed that the abuse was what prompted them to file.

Other major reasons for divorce included financial and sexual issues. About 23 percent of men said that financial differences were what caused the rift in the relationship. For men, sexual issues ranked high on the list but low for women. A surprising 12 percent said that they were simply bored in the relationship.

Abuse can be different for every couple and it is not always physical. A spouse can verbally abuse their partner through hurtful language; they can abuse them emotionally and mentally with their words. Another form of abuse is financial control. At times, the income earner may abuse their partner by depriving them economically.

Claims of abuse are serious both for the victim and the alleged perpetrator. Even after divorce, a spouse may want or even need to obtain a court issued domestic violence restraining order. If you are being abused by someone you love, there are family law attorneys who can help you in your situation.

Source:, "What makes people decide to leave? Survey reports the reasons we divorce," Michele Kimball, Sept. 22, 2011
The definition can be so broad that it's to be expected for this to be the case. Almost any type of bad treatment could be labeled abuse. Most divorced couples I know are divorced because of something like cheating or never coming home(neglect), talking down to your spouse (verbal/emotional abuse), using money against your spouse (financial abuse, which I just learned about), etc.
I recently watched a doc on the porn industry and they said the fastest growing segment of porn was S & M and other forms of humiliating women.

Maybe connected?
I honestly don't believe that. I think some people are being overly dramatic to validate the reason for their divorce. If you stopped liking the ninja - just say so!