The NERVE of this Beauty Supply Store Owner!!


New Member

So I go back to my old beauty supply store to pick up some Surge (it’s the only place I can find it). When Surge first appeared on the scene I drove to this beauty supply store, and requested that the owner start carrying it since I was driving too far to find a bottle. Within two weeks he started carrying it, and every other product I requested thereafter.

Let’s fast forward to today.

As I was browsing through the isles at the bss the owner asks me: “Do you see that I got the Wojee Cream in?” [I requested that he start selling this as well]. I reply that I did, picked up a bottle, saw the price and couldn’t justify buying it since that wasn’t what I originally came in for, and didn’t feel like spending anymore money.

I recently moved last November and had only been in every now and then to buy products since I live in the next city over. So why is this important? Here’s why…

[Me walking up to buy my products]

Owner: “You not buy Wojee cream today?”

Me: “No, I’ll come back for it. I just want these products.” [mind you I’m in box braids now so there’s no need for this cream moisturizer]

Owner: [swipes my Visa] “You know, I don’t trust people anymore!”

Me: [thinking to myself why he’s telling me this]

Owner: “You tell me you want Wojee Cream and you don’t come and buy! I have to buy a dozen of them and you don’t come back!”

Me: “I don’t live here anymore as I told you the month before last. I come in when I can and I still purchase the products I asked you to start carrying.”

Owner: “It’s because of YOU that I don’t trust people anymore. You make me buy products you don’t buy. I have customer who lives far and he still come!”

Me: [As I grab my products and head for the door] “Thank you!”

The nerve of this man! Is business really that slow (which I know it isn’t) that he relies on me buying a bottle of moisturizer? I couldn’t believe how he tried to make me feel guilty because I didn’t come back and buy the Wojee Cream, yet, I come back every month or so and stock up on products that no other stores carry.

I don’t think I’m going back to buy that Wojee Cream even though he’s the only place that I’ve found to carry it!

:lol: I'm sorry but that story was funny. I knew where that story was going to end up. I wish you had someplace else to get your product from so you wouldn't feel pressured to buy something you don't need at the time.
you did good by just ignoring him. he just wanted to sell his products. and also, i guess he was upset cos you're probably the only person that buys it
I am sorry the store owner was so rude to you..but try to look at it from his point of view. You requested a product and he started carrying it just for you which is very good cuz out here in California they make you pay for the item b4 they special order it.

I own my own business which has to carry a lot of inventory as well...It gets very expensive to keep alot of different items in stock... especially items that cannot be returned. I have a lot of items now in my inventory that clients have requested, but have never picked up... what happens to these items.. they just sit there until they eventually get sold or expire...who loses this $...ME.

So excuse me for siding with the beauty supply owner... he was just telling you how he felt after having to buy 12 of the wojee cream...which now will probably sit there and expire since he has lost you as a customer.

Just wanted to offer the other side cuz I know how this guy feels!
Dogmd said:
I have a lot of items now in my inventory that clients have requested, but have never picked up... what happens to these items.. they just sit there until they eventually get sold or expire...who loses this $...ME.
Dogmd, is charging a deposit before ordering these items an option? It seems as though that would make customers more likely to follow through and purchase their requested merchandise.
Still this store owner had no right to attack you like that!!!! There is something called customer service and he has none!!!!! Girl I would have told him a thing or 2 or 3 but I have a mouth on me!!!!:lachen: But you did the right thing and left his establishment!!!!!!!
Dogmd said:
I am sorry the store owner was so rude to you..but try to look at it from his point of view. You requested a product and he started carrying it just for you which is very good cuz out here in California they make you pay for the item b4 they special order it.

I own my own business which has to carry a lot of inventory as well...It gets very expensive to keep alot of different items in stock... especially items that cannot be returned. I have a lot of items now in my inventory that clients have requested, but have never picked up... what happens to these items.. they just sit there until they eventually get sold or expire...who loses this $...ME.

So excuse me for siding with the beauty supply owner... he was just telling you how he felt after having to buy 12 of the wojee cream...which now will probably sit there and expire since he has lost you as a customer.

Just wanted to offer the other side cuz I know how this guy feels!

I understand your point of view as well, however, I've always purchased the many products, regularly I may add, that I've requested he carry. I just didn't understand why he handled the situation that way.
lovelymissyoli said:
I understand your point of view as well, however, I've always purchased the many products, regularly I may add, that I've requested he carry. I just didn't understand why he handled the situation that way.

Yep... he was probably having a bad day... remember it is tax season... poor guy probably just had to write a big checko to Mr. Bush and his posse in the tax office. I am sure he really didn't mean to offend you... Some people ( mainly men) just don't know how to tactfully tell ya how they feel.
balisi said:
Dogmd, is charging a deposit before ordering these items an option? It seems as though that would make customers more likely to follow through and purchase their requested merchandise.

Hi Balisi... yep... we tried that and people get so offended when you ask them to pay a deposit.... " What do you mean.... Ive been coming here for 20 years...YADA YADA" so now I just make sure I have multiple clients that need the same item and hopefully it get's sold.
I guess I see it a little differently. Maybe his deliverance could've been better, but I know where I live, when a store doesn't have a product, that's it, end of discussion. I never even knew that you could request to special order something and I tell you the stores around here certainly never volunteered that info. Owners have to purchase products in bulk, usually, which means that to get a certain item that you wanted, he couldn't just order one. So, now he is stuck with having to try to resell the others. And for you to not buy the item that he specially ordered for you, well...I would've been a little disappointed too.
Well did it occur to him that maybe he should set up a display by the register to highlight the woojee products? duh... people would be curious after reading it and they'd buy it. But i do understand his point..if u requested a product then you should be prepared to buy at least 1 to 3 bottles when they come in.... IMHO
Yeah Im sorry I have to agree with dogmd.... He must have really thought of you as a good customer to purchase a dozen or so of that product. Now he has no one to sell them to... Customer service? I think he has excellent customer service. He put up money to stock a product that you specifically asked him to stock. Now he cant sell them... What a nice person. If I was a store owner I wouldnt stock somethign unless there was high demand for it but thats excellent customer service to want soemthign and have it special ordered for you without haveing to put up a deposit beforehand... I think looking at it from both sides i have to side with him.
I agree with Beyondcute and some others. The guy probably got upset, since you specifically asked for the products but didn't buy them.
Dogmd said:
I am sorry the store owner was so rude to you..but try to look at it from his point of view. You requested a product and he started carrying it just for you which is very good cuz out here in California they make you pay for the item b4 they special order it.

I own my own business which has to carry a lot of inventory as well...It gets very expensive to keep alot of different items in stock... especially items that cannot be returned. I have a lot of items now in my inventory that clients have requested, but have never picked up... what happens to these items.. they just sit there until they eventually get sold or expire...who loses this $...ME.

So excuse me for siding with the beauty supply owner... he was just telling you how he felt after having to buy 12 of the wojee cream...which now will probably sit there and expire since he has lost you as a customer.

Just wanted to offer the other side cuz I know how this guy feels!

I was thinking of it this way also, but he didn't approach the situation in a professional manner. NOT AT ALL!
Lovelymiss...I see nothing funny about this story. This is the very reason I have not gone back to the BSS up the street. I was in there the other day and they asked me what I was looking for. I told her a product called Surge and she had never heard of it. I told her that I usually buy mine over in Riverdale about 10 miles away from the house. So she told me to bring in an empty bottle of it so that she could start carrying it for me. I told her okay, but then I got to she gonna trip if I come in there for something else and I don't need any Surge at the minute? Am I obligated to buy Surge everytime I come in the store just because she special ordered it for me? So I just never brought the empty containers back. I don't feel like going through what you had to go through today. Totally unecessary. :nono:
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