The National Geographic has really upset me with their views on Revelations.


New Member
Is anyone watching this right now?

They are telling people that revelations is not something that is in the future but something that took place in the past. They basically said that Paul was writing about a personal experience and that we should relax. No tribulation period is coming. :ohwell:

My DH is out there listening to it. I hope he doesn't absorb that malarchy.
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About a week ago, I had a VERY heated discussion with a "Hebrew" "minsiter" who pretty much told me the same thing. He said to me that Paul was the anti-Christ that revelations spoke of who lead many down the wrong path. This "minister" showed me the verse where Paul said that he lied and misled the people to believe what he taught.

Now, do I believe that Paul was the anti-Christ? No. Did I find his (the "minister's") position interesting? Yes.

Funny side note: I have friends and co-workers that believe that Barak HUSSEIN Obama is the anti-Christ, or at the least he is a "sleeper c.e.l.l.". LOL - they make good points and he does have some very questionable skeletons.
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