The Myth of the shy white guy

I agree with her for the most part. I mean just use this board as example, most of those here open to wm have no issues getting approached by wm daily. She's referencing Christyln from beyondblackwhite. She stays telling bw that we need to do this and that to get a wm, but wm never have to do anything because we're the ones with the issues. -rolls eyes-
I agree with most of the things she said. Basically, she is saying that you don't have to treat a shy/white man "differently". Treat him the same way you would treat any MAN because he is a M.A.N.

Although, she had me rolling, "Stop throwing the pussy at them (man). Because they will catch it!" LOL!!!!
she speaks the truth....women on this forum and that christelyn chick tend to be thirsty and put them and asian men on a pedestal. a man, is a man, is man......exclusive of color or culture. they think the same about women and sex. if you put men from all over the world in a room they would likely all voice some of the same gripes about women like women would do with men.
There's great solid advice in this video that definitely can be applied to dating in general. Thanks for posting!
ehhh im wary of giving so much weight to the idea of a guy initiating things and/or a woman NOT initiating anything. my boyfriend "initiated first contact" with me but that was not enough to prove to me that he was interested in me as a person and knowing me as a person... basically it really didnt mean anything, or shape the relationship at all in my opinion. whether a guy is into you or wants to be with you has nothing to do with shyness or who initiates what, imo.
I totally agree with the YouTube video. If you're the type to chase a man - regardless of colour etc, cool. But if you don't and you suddenly switch up your tactics for a non-BM, that's quite off. Like most men, if they want someone they will go ahead and pursue them.

women on this forum...tend to be thirsty and put them and asian men on a pedestal

I don't know about the above. I think as vocal as some may be about dating non-BM or saying they are an option for BW to expand their dating pool, I think the ones who put them on a pedestal are far and few between. Iirc, according to a few polls over the years here most are with BM and I tend to get the impression most prefer BM here. I think sometimes a subject is talked about so much that it seems like this is the reality here - like all the threads on BM dating "others" when most BM are actually dating/marrying BW IRL...
Eugenia is 100% right. Don't throw yourself and act all extra because he is "shy" pffffft. Shy guys are perfectly capable of making their interest known in my experience.
Hmm...looks like I'll have to take a look at this video when I get home. It sounds interesting!

Honestly, I haven't seen the video yet so Idk what the vlogger was talking about in-depth, but I know for my own personal experience, I tend to be more SHY about even flirting or showing interest to WM that I encounter. I may find some of them cute, but I try my least hardest with them. Whereas with BM, I find that I feel more comfortable because I pretty much believe that most BM actually DO want BW.

Whereas...with don't really know if the one you might be curious about is actually interested in YOU...and even if he is, you don't know right off the bat if he's comfortable w/dating outside of his race. :look: So.....There are a lot of factors to consider, so that's why I just keep it friendly and don't even initiate anything. Well, I don't "initiate" anything with ANY man anyway lol, but I think I'm even MORE hesitant to initiate/ flirt w/a WM or a man of another race. :look: *shrug*, I can't view the video in the OP because YT says that the originator of the video has closed their account. :ohwell: :wallbash:

Anybody got another different link to the video?? :look:
I know for my own personal experience, I tend to be more SHY about even flirting or showing interest to WM that I encounter. I may find some of them cute, but I try my least hardest with them. Whereas with BM, I find that I feel more comfortable because I pretty much believe that most BM actually DO want BW.

I used to be the exact opposite. I would be less chummy with black guys (if I wasn't interested in them, in that way) because I didn't want them to think I was flirting with them. I'd act normally around white guys, thinking they wouldn't look at me in the same manner as a black guy. I later learned I couldn't really be just friends (after a certain age) with either because guys, black, white or in between, will like you regardless of color. No point in treating them differently.