The most ridiculous things that you might put on your "list"...


Ever heard about a woman who is single because she has a list of qualities she would like for her ideal mate that no man could possibly acquire? What types of teeny tiny crazy little must haves would you put on yours?

1. Must have sex with his socks off
2. Uses standard ringer or vibrate on his phone, NOT musical ringtones
3. Does not listen to sappy r&b in his car at loud volumes
4. Sends text messages with perfect spelling
5. Uses only moderate to high quality personal hygiene products (no cheap dollar store generics)

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hahahaha, this reminds me of the notorious "list" that Chilli Thomas is famous for.

"Cannot eat pork" - I understand if this is for religious reasons, but she's not Jewish or Muslim or anything. Apparently, she isn't fond of the smell. :lol:

Exactly why Chilli is single and probably will stay single.
He can't be comfortable passing gas or taking a crap around me.
He has to pass the wang test (sorry:look:)
1. Must have sex with his socks off
2. Uses standard ringer or vibrate on his phone, NOT musical ringtones
3. Does not listen to sappy r&b in his car at loud volumes
4. Sends text messages with perfect spelling
5. Uses only moderate to high quality personal hygiene products (no cheap dollar store generics)


:lol: I do the third so I couldn't hold that against him. Actually I'm doing it now ... :look: Aren't the last two good things though? (lol)
I have a friend who told me all guys urinate in the shower :ohwell:

So now my list includes "Does not pee in the shower" :look:

I just think it's gross. My cousin told me her ex would spit in the shower :perplexed
I would prefer someone who did not eat pork or beef as well. Not necessarily a deal breaker tho.
-Must like natural hair
-Not on twitter or really deep into any social networking (He can have a facebook page but he can't be one of those people who change their status like 50 times a day. Been there, done that, its annoying as all get out being at dinner and a ninja is tweeting all evening on his blackberry. Plus I'm really private and don't like my business all out like that)
-No earrings

Those are the only things I can think of that some people may think are really picky or extra. Basically just want a chill, down to earth, confident, kind, intelligent, masculine dude.
Decent looking feet.
No braids or relaxers. Nice, tight dreads will get a pass though.
No jewelry, except a wedding ring and a watch.
-No flashy bedazzled shirt, hats, shoes, jeans, etc in his closet AT ALL!

-Peen has to be a certain length and girth...:look:

-Doesn't dress like Steve Harvey and knows the importance of a good tailor.

-Can't stand a man with hips.

-Has to be good in bed.


-Light drinkers ok.

-Can't be comfortable talking mess about women even ones he doesn't know. I cant stand a man that calls women b-tches and heauxs. Even plafully...:nono:

-Cannot take more time then me getting ready.

-No earrings.

-Doesn't have a TON of female friends.

-Must not take himself too seriously....

YES these are all deal breakers and NO I've never had a problem with finding a companion!