The most basic regimens for healthy hair


Well-Known Member
I'm committed to getting the word out about improving AA hair. But I think the complex hair regimens scare off other women. So, I'd decided to find out if there is a basic hair regimen that all women can use that is cheaper, takes less time, and can be done easily.
I bet that if women:

1. washed/conditioned once a week.
2. slept in a satin cap/with a satin pillow
3. used a wide tooth comb
4. used a leave in
5. usually used protective styles

most would have great success.
I believe that if people were really interested in growing their hair they would no matter how complex the regimen is (to some washing and conditioning is complex :look:). I have several family members that I have just given the forum link to wrote out a regimen with 3 products and some more sophisticated and I give more than one option and they still do nada. Broken hair and eat away napes.

I gave this formula to one cousin who listened and her hair is incredibly healthy :)

Nexxus Therappe - weekly
Nexxus Humectress - weekly
Nexxus Emergencee - once every two weeks
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As basic as I can get is:

Use moisturizing shampoo or co-wash
DC with every wash, use protein treatmens as needed or as instructed on product
Reduce heat usage
Washing and condition overnight weekly
Wide tooth comb
Bun hair
Only trim when needed (not every 6wks at touch up time ALWAYS)

For alot of AA women, washing your own hair is foreign to them. And conditioning? :lol: Fuggetaboutit
Wash once a week
Condition once a week
Moisturize daily
Protective style at work, hair out at night/weekends (for compromise, we love wearing hair out)
Trim once a quarter or every 6 months (ppl like schedules, that's why the 6-8 week rule has stuck)

Bam...healthy hair
Wash weekly or biweekly
Condition weekly or biweekly
Moisturize as needed (for me thats twice a week)
Stay away from heat and use low manipulation styles
Dust with every heat usage

That's my reggie except I wash and condition weekly
I believe that if people were really interested in growing their hair they would no matter how complex the regimen is (to some washing and conditioning is complex :look:). I have several family members that I have just given the forum link to wrote out a regimen with 3 products and some more sophisticated and I give more than one option and they still do nada. Broken hair and eat away napes.

I gave this formula to one cousin who listened and her hair is incredibly healthy :)

Nexxus Therappe - weekly
Nexxus Humectress - weekly
Nexxus Emergencee - once every two weeks
Hey JJamiah. So you told her to wash weekly with Nexxus Therappe, DC weekly with Humectress and every two weeks use Emergencee? Just making sure.

Does Nexxus Therappe comes in a conditioner as well?
Washing and condition overnight weekly
Wide tooth comb
Bun hair
Only trim when needed (not every 6wks at touch up time ALWAYS)

For alot of AA women, washing your own hair is foreign to them. And conditioning? :lol: Fuggetaboutit

Girl you aint never lied!!!
My regimen was easiest when texlaxed from 4a to a tight 3c:

3.Apply leave in and shower cap (Cap n go method, details on what leave-ins to use on my blog).

1. Take off cap

That's it. No DCs. I'd thrown in a monthly protein treatment to be sure I covered all bases. Sometimes I did oil treatments to feel pampered.
Hey JJamiah. So you told her to wash weekly with Nexxus Therappe, DC weekly with Humectress and every two weeks use Emergencee? Just making sure.

Does Nexxus Therappe comes in a conditioner as well?

No Therappe is the Shampoo (old formula very moisturizing)
Humectress (moisturizing conditioner)
Emergencee Every 2 weeks (she is double processed)

Basically wash and DC weekly
every other week add the Emergencee step
I thought you meant products:

I definitely believe wash at least once a week
Deep condition once a week
If your chemically treated Use a mild protein weekly or heavy one monthly

Sleep with a Satin Cap
Handle wet hair with care
Reevaluate your hair every month to every other month as hair needs change
Limit Heat as much as you can
Trim every 2-3 months
CONDITIOn, COndition, Condition
Protective style when you can
Stretch your relaxers enough to not over process but not so much to cause stress on the hair
listen to your hair needs
Clarify when needed
cONDITION condition condition

COnditioning makes a world of difference for my relaxed and color treated hair :D
I would tell them to stay away from the salon
Tell that person to wash and deep condition MINIMUM 1x a week
Suggest a hot oil treatment every 2 weeks with coconut oil
If they like straight styles I'd tell that person to rollerset

Either relaxed or natural, I'd tell that person to use minimum heat and keep their hair in a protective style at least 50% of the time.
This is what I do in the simple version:

1)Shampoo & deep condition once a week
3)Put your hair in a bun and comb hair when needed.
4)Put satin pillow case on pillow to sleep on
People don't condition? What the...

I guess I don't inquire about what other women DO to their hair.

I always assumed that women knew some of the basics. Wash once a week, condition, DC once a month. Wait six months for a relaxer. Use a satin scarf. Apparently I gave them too much credit.

Even so, I think there are a lot of women that would love to hear these tips, if just made clear. I think they're a lot of girls that already do things (Like conditioning and scarfing), but can get their hair past NL or SL. Their are women willing to pay hundreds of dollars to get good looking hair but their stylist refuse to tell them how. I figure that these same women would LOVE to know how women with long hair have and kept their locs. But sometimes hearing a long process may turn people off because it seems so confusing. For those women, I'd like to tell them a simple process to get and keep their hair long, tips for problems that may arise, tips for situations or events, and products that may or may not work their hair. So here's my basic regimen.

Wash with sulfate free shampoo
Detangle hair while in the shower.
DC with DC conditioner or natural blend
Use natural oils and moisturizers when styling hair
Wrap hair in satin at bed.
Dust ends every two months.

Would you add anything to that?
Oh I thought of something even simpler.

Wash weekly
DC weekly
protective style 2-3 days a week.

And I know a girl whose ENTIRE regimen is this:

DC every night
Rinse and Go every morning

She has gorgeous full SL springy 4a curls.
This is my regi and its simple.....
Wash with sulfate free once a wk
Deep condition once a week(45mins-1hr)
Moisturize and seal 1-2times a wk
Protein every other week
Protective style with wigs
Sleep with satin bonnet
Stretch texlaxing 10-12wks
moisturising or reconstructing shampoo and DC weekly
Moisturise during the week whenever hair feels dry
Protein as needed
Satin scarf/bonnet/pillow every night
Detangle gently, treat hair gently in general.
I believe that if people were really interested in growing their hair they would no matter how complex the regimen is (to some washing and conditioning is complex :look:). I have several family members that I have just given the forum link to wrote out a regimen with 3 products and some more sophisticated and I give more than one option and they still do nada. Broken hair and eat away napes.

I gave this formula to one cousin who listened and her hair is incredibly healthy :)

Nexxus Therappe - weekly
Nexxus Humectress - weekly
Nexxus Emergencee - once every two weeks

*drops mic*

But seriously, I don't know if your join date is any indication of how long you've actually been here, but in the beginning we ALL try to put as many people as possible on to LHCF or just healthy hair in general. Most of what we say falls on deaf ears. However, this isn't something I can just tell'll see for yourself.
Moisturize and seal
Use a silk scarf every night

Deep condition weekly

Dust ends as needed
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