The Media's Cleverly Subtle Campaign to Glamorize Assisted Suicide

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
I'm sure many of you have heard of the young woman choosing to end her life because she has terminal cancer. She and her decision are being hailed in a media frenzy as "courageous" as she hastens to her death. This woman is being used as a pawn. I've been praying fervently for her because this is bigger than Brittney. The devil really has a foothold in this world. :nono:
My heart goes out to her and her family. I've lost family members to cancer, and it is a horrible illness to endure. This doesn't mean that suicide is okay, or good.

I will be praying for her.
I was just discussing this with DH. We do no believe in suicide at all, but our hearts went out to this woman because it was clear that she did not want to die. We learn that at times we may suffer for our faith and I think this is one of those times.