The Mane Clip - A winter protective styling option


Well-Known Member

Fotki looking is so proving to be beneficial. I was just at one of our member's Fotki's, dang it, can't remember her screen name . . .and she provided the link to The Mane Clip. When I find the post again, I'll give her props via an edit here.

Anywho, I just ordered a black one (goes with everything); figure I can get the hair locally. I am so glad she shared this via her Fotki, but I want yaw'll to check it out too. :yep:
Hmmm... I couldn't see the video, but this look interesting. So your ponytail goes in one end and the weave hair hangs out of the bottom?

Fotki looking is so proving to be beneficial. I was just at one of our member's Fotki's, dang it, can't remember her screen name . . .and she provided the link to The Mane Clip. When I find the post again, I'll give her props via an edit here.

Anywho, I just ordered a black one (goes with everything); figure I can get the hair locally. I am so glad she shared this via her Fotki, but I want yaw'll to check it out too. :yep:

I am ordering one today!!! I hate all the extensions that they have at the BSS.
Just thought . . . if I want more bling or individuality I can order more plain ones and add rhinestones, ribbons, whatever!!!!

They better HOPE I don't stumble upon a similar apparatus less expensive. Well, the black one is not so bad, but upwards of $20, pulleaze.
I wear one every day... :) I pin it up into a chingon.

I love this thing; I'm gonna buy a few more. Mine is the upa clip ( There is a weft of hair on either side of the barrette, and your hair goes in the middle.
A word of advice: don't stuff the mane clip. I made that mistake. The clips that hold the hair in place are plastic, and if you overdo it with the track hair, the prongs in the clip will bend and the clip becomes useless...
I bought this, and was never able to use it. My hair is too thick to fit into the clip, and it wasn't sturdy enough to hold the tracks and my hair in place.
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A word of advice: don't stuff the mane clip. I made that mistake. The clips that hold the hair in place are plastic, and if you overdo it with the track hair, the prongs in the clip will bend and the clip becomes useless...

Good lookin' out, Napp. Now, THAT'S useful 4-1-1. Personally, my hair ain't thick atall, would look totally fake if too full.

Perhaps when I get mine I'll try and take realllll clear, close-up photographs so the membren can see better what's up. Good lookin' out though.
From watching both vidoes for the mane clip and UPA - it seems they both have advantages.
The mane clip looks weak and fragile - as you own ponytail gets longer, the clip seems that it will become less effective.
And the UPA looks like you have to buy the specially created hair piece to go with the clip....

I may still buy a mane clip to use without the extention because my hair is thick and once I BC, I think it will help hold my hair up...
I wear one every day... :) I pin it up into a chingon.

I love this thing; I'm gonna buy a few more. Mine is the upa clip ( There is a weft of hair on either side of the barrette, and your hair goes in the middle.

I'm on it, kels. Thanks for sharing this. I know many ladies will love ya for it.

My "Clip" arrived yesterday. Now, I've gotta get a weft of hair and get busy. Perhaps tomorrow. I'm excited about the possibilities.
Would you consider wearing the clip/weave a protective style? Are your own ends exposed?

I think it depends on how you wear it. For me it is a protecttive style because I put my own hair in a bun befor I attach the Mane Clip.

Please let us know how you like it Lovin Locks.