The longer my hair gets,.....


Well-Known Member
...... the less it shrinks. Is anyone else experiencing this? My hair has gone from shrinking about 50-60% at SL to shrinking from 60-75% at BSB and longer.
That's possible. Your hair is heavier the longer it gets. Imagine putting a small weight on the end of a spring.
Yes, I began to notice it as I approached BSL. I had a significantly less shrinkage, and my ringlets and curly doodles were replaced with limp noodles. Now, shrinkage is practically nonexistent.
My texture is too tight for that. The shrinkage rate seems to have increased with the length of my hair :spinning:. But its just one of the many idiosyncrasies of my hair and its journey :drunk:.
...... the less it shrinks. Is anyone else experiencing this? My hair has gone from shrinking about 50-60% at SL to shrinking from 60-75% at BSB and longer.

I am experiencing this as well. I took a small section of braids out of my head yesterday and was surprised by the length. I prepoo'd with some Vatika oil and then washed and DC'd. I was waiting with excitement to see my curls at this new length but all I saw was the remnance of a curl that looked like it was being stretched out. I'm hoping it's because my hair has been stretched in braids for almost 2 months that it appears this way and when I take out my braids for good that the curls just bounce back... Idk.... I'll find out in June/July....
Yes, I began to notice it as I approached BSL. I had a significantly less shrinkage, and my ringlets and curly doodles were replaced with limp noodles. Now, shrinkage is practically nonexistent.

I am noticing this with my front hair.
My hair still shrinks, but I REFUSE TO LET IT! Tangle, knot city, SMH

I try to make my hair heavy with protein. That helps. I never do a wash day without protein. God bless it. My hair does feel heavier and elongated as a result
I'm convinced my hair is shrinking more and sticking out to the sides more as well :-/

Aka marge sister off the Simpsons :look:
I'm the opposite. The longer it gets the more it's shrinks. It is truly baffling, but I'm just happy it's growing and I can do more styles.
My hair is below bra strap. It looks crazily short sometimes, I truly don't get it. I was looking forward to it hanging more but it seems to shrink more. Makes me kinda sad. I don't understand this hair at all anymore.
My sisters hair has been longer than mine for about two years and because of her texture (she's natch), it's about one inch longer than her ear. Her hair is easily bra strap. Her hair gives zero effs about hangtime.
I wonder if the size of the strand has anything to do with it. My hair is medium-coarse and medium-fine, but finer hair might not be experience the heavier ends.
My sisters hair has been longer than mine for about two years and because of her texture (she's natch), it's about one inch longer than her ear. Her hair is easily bra strap. Her hair gives zero effs about hangtime.
lmao at the bolded :lol::lol::lol::lol: