The Kakakiki KombBrush


New Member
I did a search on this but this product has hardly been discussed.

WHY OH WHY does the music on the website make me cringe seriously? :perplexed

See here for more details on the product and to listen to the, erm, fascinating Kakakiki song.

It is basically a hairbrush, so I'm not really sure why it is called a comb, or why someone cleverly spelt 'comb' wrong in the first place. :ohwell:

Anyway it is basically a brush, or a KombBrush, or a comb brush, or a comb, whichever you prefer. And at the end of each bristle, there's a curved end. Much like a crochet-pin. Anyone here crochet? Basically the ends are curved.

Now I don't want my hair turning into a crocheted mat :blush: but I have, very strangely, read some good, albeit minimal, reviews about this, and as I am still searching for the perfect detangler, I was wondering if anyone lately had come across this product/ used it/ met someone who did/ would like to analyse the weird curved ends of the bristles and what possible good they could do/ or enjoyed the interesting music on the site. :look:

Sooooo...anyone lately come across this product/ used it/ met someone who did/ would like to analyse the weird curved ends of the bristles and what possible good they could do/ or enjoyed the interesting music on the site? :grin:

I would love and welcome any advice or comment
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I have heard of this. I saw it on and it had really good reviews. For $4.99, I might try it if I hear more good reviews. I would like to try a good detangler.
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I tried it on my 4a natural hair and it would not budge. Followed the directions to the T and the only thing that happened was me looking at a Kakiki piece of plastic stuck in my naps.

I tried it on my 4a natural hair and it would not budge. Followed the directions to the T and the only thing that happened was me looking at a Kakiki piece of plastic stuck in my naps.


thanks for replying! did you use it on wet or dry hair?
do you think a denman/goody ouchless would work better if you've used any of them? thnx!