Well-Known Member
So last night, I combed out my hair and put it in some braids and spritz it DAMP (but not wet!!) with the juice/water mix!! (ETA- the braids were to keep it from knotting up during the night. I get ssk way too frequently leaving my hair out)
Today, I unbraided (felt nice and soft!!) rubbed in some knot today through the whole head (ETA and then combed it out, if you don't own knot today, please try it!! With the moisture from last night's juice and the knot today, the comb glided through!! Detangling was a breeze!) and added a bit of ecostyler and water. My hair is, even now, SO SOFT!
I still think it looks weird from the side, but hopefully better when the top catches up with the back, length-wise
My hair is growing so fast and I'm retaining a lot more as a natural than I did as a relaxed. And the juice is helping me retain!
Girl your hair is FAB-O-LOUS:2cool:!!!As always!! You betta work that puff girl!!