Stop frontin, you know me!
I'm still around! Just lurking in the background. Still juicing - once a week. Any more than that and I get too much build-up. I'm having very little breakage and moisture is on point. I may have to give it up as it gets warmer though. I live in the desert where there is little to no humidity and I know the glicerin (sp?) will turn on me eventually.
Thanks for checking in, don't give up just yet, one of the juicers(sorry for got who said this) suggested that you could put the juice on your hair before you take a shower that way it can absorb the moisture from the shower. Maybe this method would help you.

Oh no! I didn't know there was list,lol!
I am still faithfully juicing err' day and eagerly waiting for the big reveal in a couple of weeks.
A side note: Leisure Curl is NOT the business, it's mostly alcohol,isopropyl at that. I bought it because it was 3 dollars but it dried my hair out so I'm back to the s-curl.
Thanks for checking in and keeping that juice on top of your head. You are officially off the most wanted list don't let it happen again

Update:I've been juicing but not posting--sorry guys!! As a matter of fact, it's time for me to re-up on the S-Curl because I use sooo much of it. It also helps me to detangle my hair.
Girl you are never suppose to run out of juice. You can't be juicedafied when you are juicless

Juice MobstaChelz, you summoned me back to the land of the Juice. I must confess that I .....I......I have strayed from the Juice......:endworld:
You see, I was missing my QBHC and QBDG and I have a lot to use up....I am with you in spirit though .......*ducks and dodges rocks and empty juice bottles being hurled*
I'm starting braidlocks soon, so I know I won't be using either QB or juice....

The Juicers Most Wanted List #4

01. Anna9764
02. Pilates Pink(Found)
03. Ms_Coco37
04. Jewell
05. Bigghair(Found)
06. Amwcah
07. Chriselle83
08. Kimche
09. LaToya28
10. Lyly210(Found)
11. Iaec06
12. Rei(Found)
13. Wyldcurlz
14. SO1913
15. Nicey
16. Ensjg598(Found)
17. PrettyfaceAnb
18. Pistolwhip
19. Yardyspice
20. Supermodelsonya
21. Mariofmagdal
Haven you seen'em, cuz we haven't....