Well-Known Member
Still juicin. Between that and castor oil, I retained all of my length. But I gave myself a trim.
Yay, anotha Juicetimonial, How much did you trim off?
Still juicin. Between that and castor oil, I retained all of my length. But I gave myself a trim.
:trampolin:trampolin :trampolin :trampolin:trampolin
..................alcoholic:alcoholic thumbsup:notworthy
.. adlock2:adlock2:
aahhhhhhh WHY mess with perfection...jusss tweeked it a lil bit you know...didn't wanna get in trouble for plagerismThis one looks like a remake of the last one I posted..., same layout.
aahhhhhhh WHY mess with perfection...jusss tweeked it a lil bit you know...didn't wanna get in trouble for plagerism
Bits and pieces counts as plagiarism too!!!
imma hafta juice if they come..and lawd KNOWS can't be wastin' my juice on the po-po!!!
L M A OOOO!!! I REFUSE...you hear me REFUSE to spray my hair juice on the po-po!!!
They gone come busting thru tha door and then you just gonna look at em and then spray juice, and then when they question you, just spray more juice, Juice solves everything (Refer to the Twix Commercials) When you dont know what to do or say, JUICE!!
L M A OOOO!!! I REFUSE...you hear me REFUSE to spray my hair juice on the po-po!!!
IF I'm sprayin anything it's gonna be some apple or grape juice but it is NOT gonna be any of my hair juice....
be juss my luck I get an ugly po-po or female po-po who wanna tackle me cuz I juiced em....then what !?!??!!? all stuck up flat on the floor under an U-GAH-LEEE po'po'...nuh~uh sista gurl...not tryna go out like that!! IF however, he's delictable, delicious and nutritious and all swooool up with manly muscles........mmmmmmhmmmm LAY ME OUT MISTER MAN...and then he can juice ME alllllllll OVAH
I cant get over tha fact that thats a ponytail!! It look like some loose hair! She got that Pochahontas effect goin on..
Did a wash and DC with Skala Shea butter, AO HSR, and castor oil. Juiced to keep the softness for my weekend twist-n-curl. I am loving my diluted juice. I added some rosemary oil to the mix for growth and stimulation.
LOL! I WISH! But thanks.
ohhh ermmm mah badAwwwwww Lawddddd!!! Girl I was talkin bout sprayin juice on your head or in the air, not on anybody else, A nice, swoll, juicy, chocolate or vanilla wafer mans with a muscle shirt on!!!!
by the way....MT, juiced and sealed ends and baggied and scarved for the night
I found a new juice ya'll for a DOLLAR! Dollar Tree's Breck Detangler I think is what its caled. Glycerin is the second ingredient. I've only used it like 3 times but I like it and it detangles very well. I'm going to use Scurl on half my hair and the detangler on the other half to compare. Hopefully, this detangler will be a keeper since its A DOLLAR WHOOP WHOOP!
I was at my grandma's vanity a few days ago and she has a curl so you know she is juicing..but she had this haiiwain silky do it anyway you want juice..I had to pick that up..I love how cream it is and makes my hair so nice..I like this new juice..this as addictive as well let you mind wonder.
I'ma braidin' anda juicin'.....giving myself individuals w/ extensions....my arms and hands hurt, but so far so good
I'm juiced up right now with my plastic cap that I'm wearing to bed. Crunchhhh.
Naw I'm bagging b4 bed, once I get in the bed it comes off.
Comes off huh! Humm.... I wonder why
I am thinking in the morning sit under the steamer for 20 rinse use my care free curl activator seal with a mix of olive coconut avacodo oil then twist it up for a week.