Well-Known Member
Stopping in for a quick update. I ended up deciding on a wash and go for court after all. Even though I just washed my hair on Monday, I couldn't wait to try out my new Skala so I washed again yesterday. Used the aloe shampoo followed by the mask. The poo was ok, but I don't like shampoo that much anyway. It actually gave great slip, but once I rinsed my hair felt a lil dry. The mask fixed all of that though. I am really in love. I detangled in like 2.5 seconds! I am so tempted to go back up to BL and clear the shelves.
Skalaaaaaaaaa! Whoop Whoop Skala in tha house, raise tha roof!!

You betta hurry up and get back to BL before tha other ppl clear out tha shelves for ya!!