Well-Known Member
Wooooooooo I gotta rinse out this DC cause my head is itchin! Had it in too long. I was gettin it in gettin it on, all night long
But I miss my CFCG so I will blowdry my hair after I rinse it and then juice, seal, and bantu knot it up! Then Imma take it aloose in the morning and I will be M.I.A. for a couple days so FirstBizzle, you can add me to the missing milk carton list already
@Afrikurl I'm waiting to see if you find the Skala at big lots, I would like to hear what you and baby afrikurl think of it if you can find some

@Afrikurl I'm waiting to see if you find the Skala at big lots, I would like to hear what you and baby afrikurl think of it if you can find some