"The Jesus Papers"


New Member
Did anyone catch the segment on Dateline NBC last night. Well if you missed it please go to

and read up.

I watched it and the entire time i was thinking....
"there are people that are going to believe this" and it hurt knowing that so many people were going to fall because of this.....

Please read....it basically talked about...
Jesus didn't die on the cross...it was faked and he survived....
The author aparently saw some papers in a language that he can't read, owned by a man that he can't name, in a place that he can't reveal , that claimed they were letters from Jesus written 45 years after he died....
redeemed516 said:
Did anyone catch the segment on Dateline NBC last night. Well if you missed it please go to

and read up.

I watched it and the entire time i was thinking....
"there are people that are going to believe this" and it hurt knowing that so many people were going to fall because of this.....

Please read....it basically talked about...
Jesus didn't die on the cross...it was faked and he survived....
The author aparently saw some papers in a language that he can't read, owned by a man that he can't name, in a place that he can't reveal , that claimed they were letters from Jesus written 45 years after he died....

I think that is completely bogus.
I saw this:mad: This man is so bold-face and he had absolutely no proof for any of his claims. We as Christians need to be prepared in the following months because a lot of stuff like this will be coming out(upcoming movie of the Da Vinci Code, etc.). I just saw something tonight about another book questioning whether or not Judas betrayed Jesus. WTH:confused: If the Bible says it's so then it's so!